Articles from the December 20, 2018 edition

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 17 of 17

  • Blood makes a heartfelt gift for the holidays

    Betty Vanderwielen, Pathfinder|Dec 20, 2018

    SEELEY LAKE – Alysa Loesch sat relaxed on the gurney at the Seeley-Swan High School gym. Blood dripped from a tube in her arm to a collection bag below. Loesch was one of the estimated 15-25 students and community members who donated blood at the Dec. 4 Red Cross blood drive. Loesch is a junior at the high school, but this is already the second time she has given blood. Asked why she chooses to donate, she said, "Because I know I may be saving someone's life somewhere." In an email, Red Cross C...

  • Long-term project to study elk use and forage quality post-fire

    Andi Bourne, Pathfinder|Dec 20, 2018

    SEELEY LAKE – Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks deployed 19 GPS collars on adult female elk on the Blackfoot Clearwater Wildlife Management Area, also known as the Game Range, Dec. 6. This is part of a new long-term elk research project that hopes to help land managers understand elk distribution and use following wildfire. Researchers Mark Hurley and Ross Baty studied elk distribution on the Game Range in the late 1980s and early 1990s using VHF radio collars. Their work identified migration r...

  • Community fun at the Rich Ranch

    Andi Bourne, Pathfinder|Dec 20, 2018

    SEELEY LAKE – The Rich Ranch welcomed the community to their annual Community Appreciation Day, Dec. 16. Rich Ranch owner Belinda Rich said that this year was one of the largest gatherings they have had for the event and it was very rewarding to watch the fellowship and feel the sense of community. C.B. and Helen Rich started the Community Appreciation Day back in the 1950's and 1960's when they owned the Double Arrow Ranch. C.B. was Seeley Lake's Santa for more than 30 years. "They strongly b...

  • Thank you volunteers

    Sigrid Olson, Potomac, Mont.|Dec 20, 2018

    Thank you Greenough/Potomac QRU and all Emergency Responders: Our Greenough/Potomac Volunteer Fire Department (GPVFD) and Quick Response Unit (QRU) volunteers are always available for their community. They deserve high five, thumbs up, pat on the back recognition. Thank you to all emergency responders and to the GPVFD and QRU for everything that you do, big and small. Thank you for being on call year round, day and night. Thank you for helping others in all kinds of weather. Thank you for driving carefully and for being someone our children...

  • Thoughts on the NRA

    Larry Dillree, Ovando, Mont.|Dec 20, 2018

    Several weeks ago I saw a little geek standing on a street corner with a sign that said “NRA, NRA how many children have you killed today?” CNN evidently picked up on this and had him on TV. I go back to the year 1935 – I quote Adolph Hitler, “This year will go down in history. For the first time, a civilized nation has full gun registration. Our streets will be safer, our police more efficient and the world will follow our lead into the future.” Between the years of 1935 to 1945 Adolph Hitler slaughtered nine million defenseless and unarmed m...

  • Thank you for the help

    Douglas Waldron, Seeley Lake, Mont.|Dec 20, 2018

    This letter of thanks goes out to the five men and three women, along with two Missoula County Sheriff’s Deputies for rendering me aid on Highway 200 Dec. 11, 2018 after my vehicle broke down from overheating and stopped running. The first man who stopped was a retired law enforcement officer from Oregon on his way to visit people in Ovando. Except for the two Sheriff’s Office officers, I knew none of the other eight people who assisted me in calling the towing company. All stopped on their own goodwill to help a stranded motorist. Not hav...

  • Cultural complexes

    Ken Silverstro PhD|Dec 20, 2018

    Psychological complexes were presented in previous articles but always from the point of view of an individual. You can think of a complex as a collection of experiences focused around a psychological element. For example, a mother complex is a collection of experiences with one's mother or other people acting as one's mother. A culture is simply a large group of people sharing a heritage, location or group affiliation. Just as an individual develops personal psychological complexes throughout a...

  • FWP completes another successful season in the fight against AIS

    Montana Fish Wildlife and Parks|Dec 20, 2018

    11 was a big year for Montana Fish Wildlife & Parks and its aquatic invasive species program with a record number of watercrafts inspected, record number of water samples analyzed and no mussel larvae or adult mussels detected. “Our AIS staff and partners have done fantastic work to increase our watercraft inspection and monitoring efforts,” said Tom Woolf, AIS bureau chief for FWP. “And we are doing a better job informing boaters, anglers, irrigators and others about what they can do to help stop AIS.” Some highlights from this boating...

  • Membership sought for Resource Advisory Committee

    US Forest Service - Lolo National Forest|Dec 20, 2018

    MISSOULA – Membership recruiting is underway for the Missoula County Resource Advisory Committee (RAC) and Forest Service officials are soliciting applications from individuals interested in serving in one of the available 15 positions on the RAC. The RAC positions are unpaid but members provide a valuable service by making recommendations on projects that benefit Forest Service land within Missoula County. The membership terms for the original membership have expired and appointments beyond eight years (two, four year terms) are not c...

  • More foods that say "Christmas"

    Betty Vanderwielen, Pathfinder|Dec 20, 2018

    In a continuation of the informal survey on what foods mean Christmas: Debbie Dillree said "Potato sausage has always been our big thing on Christmas Eve. My grandparents used to make it and after they passed away, my parents were able to buy it from a meat market in Missoula for many, many years but it shut down last year. So I'm trying to find another source so I can surprise my family this year." Christine Migneault said prime rib is the food she thinks of at Christmas. She said she grew up o...

  • Avalanche awareness - Know before you go and check yourself

    Andi Bourne, Pathfinder|Dec 20, 2018

    SEELEY LAKE – Clearwater Resource Council hosted an Avalanche Awareness program Dec. 6. Missoula Avalanche Center's Todd Glew gave a presentation to help winter recreationists recognize snow instability, avalanche terrain and avalanche triggers as well as establishing safe travel protocols. Glew has been mountain guiding and giving avalanche education for the past 15 years. He has skied all over the world and started working for the Missoula Avalanche Center two months ago. He said he has b...

  • Christmas song origins both simple and complex

    Betty Vanderwielen, Pathfinder|Dec 20, 2018

    “Deck the Halls” originated from the 16th century Welsh New Year’s Eve dancing song, “Nos Galan.” Cardiff University Professor in the School of Welsh, E. Wyn James, an authority on Welsh hymns and ballads, said “Nos Galan” belongs to a class of competition songs. According to James, neighbors would gather around a fire, have a few drinks and take turns composing four-line verses to a particular song. The competitor would sing a line of verse and then a harp or other instrument would play the refrain. In lieu of an instrument, the whole group wo...

  • SVES students wish families a Merry Christmas

    Ashly Alexander, Pathfinder|Dec 20, 2018

    SWAN VALLEY - The entirety of the Swan Valley Elementary school performed traditional Christmas carols in the school gym, Dec. 13. Led by Junior High Teacher Colleen Harrington and PE/Preschool Teacher Danni Parcell, the students sang and shared their cheer through their instruments and voices. This year was a bit different from past winter performances. In the previous years, the students were directed by a music teacher and were able to have an instrumental band followed by a holiday themed...

  • Potomac Pioneers excel with teamwork

    Andi Bourne, Pathfinder|Dec 20, 2018

    POTOMAC – Finishing with only one loss for the season, the Potomac Pioneer boys basketball team made it into the Championship Game for the Copper League Small Schools. Assistant Coach Wacey Thompson said the team embraced the fundamentals, the new offense they ran this year and really worked together as a team. This is Thompson's second year coaching with Head Coach Brad Hall. They had 15 players finish out the season playing on the A and B Teams. Thompson said all the boys were eager to l...

  • King David - Man after God's heart

    Shane Kesterke, Elder, Mission Bible Fellowship|Dec 20, 2018

    One of my favorite biblical characters has always been King David. From when I was a boy, reading about the exploits and bravery of David as a youngster (lions and bears and Philistines!), until now when in mid-life I also admire David’s wisdom, humility and desire to follow God wholeheartedly. The historical accounts of David’s life found in the Bible will remain an example to all of us for eternity of an imperfect, sinful man who God used in a mighty way. David lived a life full of conflict, turmoil, battle and bloodshed. He was one of the...

  • Blackhawks split the week

    Nathan Bourne, Pathfinder|Dec 20, 2018

    SEELEY LAKE - The Seeley-Swan Blackhawks and Lady Blackhawks defeated Valley Christian at home Dec. 14 and fell in Arlee the next night. The Boys came out strong against Valley Christian racking up 13 points and allowing Valley just 2 in the first quarter. After a tight second quarter, the Blackhawks got back to work in the second half finishing Valley off 57-29 by the final buzzer. Owen Mercado led the Blackhawks with 16 points off 8 baskets while Cordell Turner scored 14 points off 6 baskets...

  • Community Briefs

    Dec 20, 2018

    Seeley Lake Community Ice Rink Grand Opening, Dec. 29 SEELEY LAKE – Seeley Lake ROCKS will be hosting an Open House Dec. 29 from 1-4 p.m. at the new Seeley Lake Community Ice Rink in the field near Seeley Lake Elementary School. Everyone is welcome to come check out the new rink, skate and enjoy drinks and treats. A limited number of skates will be available. The event is free. Seeley Lake Library News SEELEY LAKE - The Seeley Lake Library Book Club will discuss Jeanette Winterson’s “The Gap of Time” Wednesday, Jan. 16 at 11 a.m. This novel is...