Thank you volunteers

Thank you Greenough/Potomac QRU and all Emergency Responders:

Our Greenough/Potomac Volunteer Fire Department (GPVFD) and Quick Response Unit (QRU) volunteers are always available for their community. They deserve high five, thumbs up, pat on the back recognition.

Thank you to all emergency responders and to the GPVFD and QRU for everything that you do, big and small.

Thank you for being on call year round, day and night.

Thank you for helping others in all kinds of weather.

Thank you for driving carefully and for being someone our children can look up to.

Thank you for providing house numbers and for hosting informative meetings.

Thank you for putting others first and for being strong for our community.

Thank you for being dependable and for your bravery.

Thank you for your thoughtfulness and compassion.

Thank you for your time and for your hard work.

Thank you for burn permits, the pancakes and checking fire extinguishers.

Thank you to your families.

Thank you for smiling, for your focus and for your dedication.

Thank you for volunteering!

“We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.” ~ Winston Churchill

Thank you,

Sigrid Olson


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