Articles from the June 28, 2018 edition

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 25 of 46

  • "New" Board Seeks Information to Find Consensus

    Nathan Bourne, Pathfinder|Jun 28, 2018

    SEELEY LAKE - The Seeley Lake Sewer District held its regular board meeting June 21 where three newly elected Directors started laying out their vision for the district's direction. They received a manager's report, took care of regular monthly business of approving minutes and paying the bills and learned of a new $500,000 grant the district has received. The meeting began with a short-lived power struggle. Board President Mike Boltz was absent and the vice president position was left vacant after the May election. Director Beth Hutchinson...

  • Changes Big and Small at this Year's Bob Marshall Music Festival

    Zoie Koostra, Pathfinder|Jun 28, 2018

    SEELEY LAKE- The Bob Marshall Music Festival is returning for a third year as Seeley Lake's own music festival but this year several big changes are afoot. Festival organizer Chris Stout is managing and funding the festival himself this year. This is a change from last year when he received financial support from the Seeley Lake Community Foundation. "Last year the foundation was very generous in putting it forward," Stout said. "But I think in the end they kind of felt that it wasn't...

  • Students Connect with History, New Experiences on Trip to Nation's Capital

    Zoie Koostra, Pathfinder|Jun 28, 2018

    SEELEY LAKE- Students from Seeley Lake recently returned from a trip to Washington D.C. as part of an ongoing effort in the community to help students engage with their government and be more civically minded. The trip, which was only five days long, packed in visits to national monuments, memorials and museums. Sawyer Shelmerdine and his mom, Megan who went on the trip as a chaperone, said that the most impactful sights they visited were the various memorials around Washington D.C. Sawyer said...

  • Despite Weather, Kids Fishing Tournament is Reel Success

    Zoie Koostra, Pathfinder|Jun 28, 2018

    SEELEY LAKE- "You're a real fisherman because real fishermen don't let the rain keep them from going out and having fun," Kids' Fishing Tournament organizer Bobby Maddox told the participants at the post-tournament barbecue, June 23. Despite rainy conditions on Saturday morning, 25 of the 40 youth ages 7-13 attended the annual tournament. Maddox said he was originally concerned that the rain would keep kids away but the actual turnout was better than he expected. Declan Bell, of Missoula wasn't...

  • Response to Marshall's Letter - Find a Flag and Country to Honor and Move There

    Roxie Sterling, Seeley Lake, Mont.|Jun 28, 2018

    I am writing in response to Mr. Mike Marshall’s letter to the editor in the Pathfinder Thursday, June 21, 2018. We who are citizens of the United States of America do have wonderful freedoms, thanks to our founding fathers, and the men and women who fought for, and the many who gave their lives for our freedoms. Some left their limbs on the battlefields and some came home with broken hearts and troubled minds so you and I can enjoy our freedom. People do have the right to burn the flag and kneel for the anthem. I have rights too. I have the r...

  • Chamber Nears Fundraising Goal

    Andi Bourne, Pathfinder|Jun 28, 2018

    SEELEY LAKE - The Seeley Lake Area Chamber of Commerce is nearing their $8,000 fundraising goal for the Fourth of July festivities. As of June 25, $7,000 has been raised. The largest expense is the fireworks show over Seeley Lake. Any other funds will be used to support costs associated with the parade and publicity. The community and visitors can still donate to the celebration through the Change Your Pace Challenge in collaboration with the Seeley Lake Community Foundation and through various...

  • In the Cockpit?

    Betty Vanderwielen, Pathfinder|Jun 28, 2018

    SEELEY LAKE – Someone nervous about flying in an airplane would no doubt derive comfort from knowing a pilot of Sully Sullenberger or Tammie Jo Shults' caliber was in the cockpit. But what are pilots doing in a cockpit? Isn't that a place where rooster fights take place? Cock fighting (as well as bear-baiting) was a popular form of entertainment in Elizabethan England. The cock pit was a round enclosure with walls too high for the roosters to escape. To allow spectators a better view of the a...

  • Recount of House District 92 Election – Hopkins Wins by Two

    Pathfinder|Jun 28, 2018

    MISSOULA - After conducting the official canvass of the primary election yesterday, the County’s Canvass Board called for a recount of the ballots cast in House District 92. Incumbent Mike Hopkins won by two votes after the recount June 20. As provided in MCA 13-15-403 (4): If during a canvass the board finds an error in a precinct or precincts affecting the accuracy of vote totals, the board immediately may petition for a recount of the votes cast in the precinct or precincts, as provided in 13-16-201, or for an inspection of ballots, as p...

  • Seeley District Road Update

    Seeley Lake Ranger District|Jun 28, 2018

    SEELEY LAKE – Many roads across the Seeley Lake Ranger District have been impacted by flood waters and erosion this spring and some remain closed for public safety. There are also roads – mostly within the Rice Ridge Fire burned area – that are undergoing maintenance and repair work to recover from fire impacts. “Essentially every road within the Rice Ridge burned area will be subject to some type of road maintenance, improvement or road repair this spring and summer – including culvert removal or replacement – and so there will be either dela...

  • Community Celebration for 100 Year Anniversary for Lincoln's Community Hall

    Pathfinder|Jun 28, 2018

    LINCOLN – To celebrate the 100-year history of folks coming together at the Lincoln Community Hall, Lincoln is hosting a free community-wide event July 7-8 with something for everyone. Attendees can learn about the history of the area, participate in contests including watermelon eating, pie bake-off, beard/mustache contest and enjoy live music at the Hall. There will also be games and activities throughout town on Saturday. Way back in 1918 when the Hall was constructed, having a place to c...

  • RD Demands Updated Schedule from "New" Board

    Nathan Bourne, Pathfinder|Jun 28, 2018

    SEELEY LAKE - The Seeley Lake Sewer District received an ultimatum June 21 from Rural Development (RD): Update the district’s construction schedule within 30 days or RD will “very pointedly assign a schedule.” The meeting was the first regular meeting where three newly elected directors were seated. The district received a letter from RD outlining a couple of concerns including change to the overall budget and scheduling of the proposed sewer and collection system. RD Area Specialist Dan Johnson was in attendance to help answer questions regard...

  • Seeley Lake Receives $500,000 Towards Sewer Project

    Office of Senator Jon Tester|Jun 28, 2018

    SEELEY LAKE – U.S. Senator Jon Tester delivered a $2.5 million investment to protect clean water in Big Sky Country including $500,000 to Seeley Lake for the sewer project. As a member of the Senate Appropriations Committee, Tester secured the grants from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to help rural communities generate clean drinking water and manage wastewater systems. “Access to safe and clean drinking water is a necessity whether you’re running a business, farming or raising kids,” Tester said. “These investments in Montana’s water syste...

  • Montana's Most Unwanted: A New Monitoring Season Begins for Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS)

    Rob Rich, Swan Valley Connections|Jun 28, 2018

    Our Wildlife in the West students recently went fishing at Upsata Lake but they didn't want to catch anything, except maybe some plankton, aquatic insects or algae. Motored gently about in a small skiff by volunteer Barry Gordon, and led by Blackfoot Challenge's Caitlin Mitchell, we hand-reeled in a white, three-foot net on a hundred-foot rope. Shaped like a wizard's hat, our net yielded just a little draft of fluid the color of weak green tea, which we promptly conveyed into a 250mL plastic...

  • SLE School Board Discusses Safety, Ice Rink

    Zoie Koostra, Pathfinder|Jun 28, 2018

    SEELEY LAKE- The Seeley Lake Elementary School Board met Thursday, June 21 to discuss the proposed ice skating rink location as well as changes being made over the summer to make the school a safer place during emergencies. Gary Swain, member of the ice rink committee, and Jim McLean, president of the Seeley Lake Regional Outdoor Center for Kinetic Sports (ROCKS), asked the board to make a decision regarding their proposal for an ice rink on the grounds of Seeley Lake Elementary school. The first phase of the project would be to construct a sma...

  • Taking Houses Out of the Wildfire Equation

    Andi Bourne, Pathfinder|Jun 28, 2018

    SEELEY LAKE – After three weeks of Sprague Fire burning around Glacier National Park, it reached the Sperry Chalet complex Aug. 31, 2017. In the final report issued by the National Park Service June 21, it was determined that despite the best efforts of firefighters to protect all the structures at Sperry Chalet, an ember entered the dormitory near a second story window and ignited the wooden portion of the structure. In a press release, Secretary of the Interior Ryan Zinke applauded the f...

  • Veterans & Families of Seeley Lake Lead Seeley Lake Parade

    Andi Bourne, Pathfinder|Jun 28, 2018

    SEELEY LAKE – This year’s Grand Marshal for the Seeley Lake Fourth of July parade “Celebrate Freedom” is the Veterans & Families of Seeley Lake, a local 501(c)3. The group maintains the Seeley Lake Memorial Park, serves local veterans, sends care packages to service members, donates to local charitable organizations and others related to veterans. Their mission is to promote patriotism. VFSL started in 2013 and is not affiliated with the Veterans of Foreign Wars. This allows them more flexibility with membership requirements and service...

  • Frank Miles Vannoy 1947-2018

    Jun 28, 2018

    MARSING, IDAHO - Frank Miles Vannoy went to be with his Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ June 22. Frank was born July 17, 1947 in Missoula, Mont. After school, he joined the Montana Army National Guard Special Forces. On June 14, 1969 he was joined in marriage to Shirley Fischer. Frank lived in various locations while he logged, worked on water drill rigs and farmed. He worked at Noxon Public schools in Montana from 1979 to 1984 until he took over the family ranch in Greenough, Mont. He ran the... Full story

  • New Life in Christ - Part 2

    Dale Terrillion|Jun 28, 2018

    On down the highway through Prince George and Vanderhoof, logging trucks appeared, Fraser Lake and Burns Lake. All the way to Prince Rupert seemed like every third rig was a logg’n truck. Motor’n through Smithers, B.C., I spotted a gigantic igloo. It was called Adams igloo, as big as a house. Need’n a break I stopped to investigate. It was closed so I went to the house. “Yes,” the men said “But see’n how you stopped, I’ll open it.” Inside was every mounted animal from Canada. It was impressive. Seems like the ol’ boy was quite a hunter. Come to...

  • Strohmaier Aids with Comment Decisions -Questions Clarified

    Colleen Kesterson, Pathfinder|Jun 28, 2018

    SWAN VALLEY - The Swan Valley Community Council considered public comments and voted to accept minor changes to the Swan Valley Draft Plan at their regular meeting June 19. In attendance was Missoula County Commissioner Dave Strohmaier who offered suggestions and assistance to the SVCC. SVCC members voted to keep the original wording in several sections of the first element, Natural Resources and Environment, after considering public comments. However, they voted to eliminate section 1.13 entitled Noise from the draft plan and retained only...

  • Outdated Bylaws Create Confusion

    Nathan Bourne, Pathfinder|Jun 28, 2018

    SEELEY LAKE - A special meeting for the Seeley Lake Sewer District, June 19, was thrown into disarray with a mistake made in the agenda and further confusion created by the district’s outdated bylaws. The first item on the agenda was “District Election.” Newly elected Director Beth Hutchinson explained that the purpose of that item was to elect the board’s president and vice president. District Secretary Felicity Derry apologized, saying that she thought the agenda item was to swear in the new directors and therefore labeled it “Distri...

  • Keeping Animals Safe During the Fourth of July

    Sigrid Olson, Pathfinder|Jun 28, 2018

    As the patriotic holiday approaches, many rural families are preparing for traditional Fourth of July affairs. Picnics, fishing, camping, rodeos and of course, fireworks. While some animals tolerate the noise and lights well, others can become afraid or hurt. Animals' ears are more sensitive than humans. Because animals don't understand where the noise is coming from, they can exhibit frantic behavior and run off. Nationwide, Animal Control reports a 30 percent increase in lost pets from July...

  • Please Leave Baby Animals Alone 

    Montana Fish Wildlife and Parks|Jun 28, 2018

    Each spring, Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks receives several calls from people who have picked up deer fawns or other wildlife. FWP no longer accepts, holds or rehabilitates ungulates like deer, moose and elk because the animals often die from the stress of captivity, and because of concerns with the spread of disease. There are many cases in which good intentions lead to dire consequences. One spring in Miles City, a person saw a fledgling bald eagle hopping around on the ground, which is...

  • Purchases Made, Policies and Benefit Increase Approved

    Andi Bourne, Pathfinder|Jun 28, 2018

    SEELEY LAKE – The Seeley Lake Fire Board learned about the new Type 6 Fire Engine purchase and others by the District at their June 19 meeting. They also approved full payment for employees' health insurance premium and considered a new insurance agent. Fire Chief Dave Lane purchased a new Type 6 fire engine for $48,995. It is a 2007 Ford F-550 two-ton, six-speed manual transmission with four doors. The truck has 98,000 miles. It also has a 225-gallon water tank with foam capability. Lane d...

  • Conservation Strategy for Grizzly Bears Completed

    Interagency Grizzly Bear Committee|Jun 28, 2018

    An interagency team of biologists, researchers and managers from State, Tribal and Federal agencies completed a Conservation Strategy for grizzly bears in the Northern Continental Divide Ecosystem in northwest Montana. The Conservation Strategy is a comprehensive document that seeks to maintain a recovered, genetically diverse grizzly bear population into the future. The NCDE Subcommittee, as part of the Interagency Grizzly Bear Committee, crafted the document as a way for the respective...

  • Missoula Band Brings Fellowship to Festival

    Zoie Koostra, Pathfinder|Jun 28, 2018

    SEELEY LAKE - Missoula-based band Good Old Fashioned is returning to the Bob Marshall Music Festival this year with the goal of using their music to help people connect with one another. The band, which consists of husband and wife, Chris and Callie Woodman, Jeff McLain, Brody Klemer, a Seeley Lake native, and Adin Kloetzel, originally of Ovando, met on Wednesday, June 20 at the Woodman's home in Missoula to rehearse and talk about their history, influences and goals. The group said their sound...

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