Articles written by Dale Terrillion

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  • Employee of the year

    Dale Terrillion, Proctor, Montana|May 16, 2024

    Last fall my grandson and I did a few-days camping trip back to the Swan. We spent a few days there at the Cold Creek Bridge. It was many years since I left and I enjoyed again what I had remembered the almost 30 years I had lived there. In need of the outhouse facilities I went to check it out. I wasn’t prepared for what was there. It was a sight for sore eyes! Someone had not quite made the seat and it was unusable. Not having cell service I drove to a friend’s house with a landline. I called Swan Lake Forest Service to inform the gal the...

  • Revival: Then What?

    Dale Terrillion|Oct 26, 2023

    John Wesley once said to his preachers: “How dare you lead people to Christ without providing adequate opportunity for growth and nurture? Anything less is simply begetting children for the murders.” I like the way Hebrews 3:12-13 puts it. ‘See to it, brothers and sisters, that none of you has a sinful, unbelieving heart that turns away from the living God. But encourage one another daily, as long as it is called “Today,” so that none of you may be hardened by sin’s deceitfulness.’ Pretty hard to encourage one another when you see them only...

  • Heart of gold

    Dale Terrillion|May 25, 2023

    This year is the fourth time I’m reading through the Bible in a year. In the past I read all the books but not all in one year. Seems like there are always verses I seem to not have noticed before, or forgot after. Like this year, in Genesis 6:6 “The Lord was grieved that He had made man on the earth and His heart was filled with pain.” As I read that over and over I began to realize “God’s heart was filled with pain.” I wonder if we can really grasp that - ‘God’s heart was filled with pain!’ Can anyone even come close to know how God felt...

  • Slaughter of the Monarch

    Dale Terrillion|May 18, 2023

    Several years ago coming back from Arizona about the end of March of first part of April we witnessed one of the saddest slaughters of nature ever. Coming north from Searchlight, NV onto the Veterans Memorial Highway the air was alive with migrating Monarch butterflies. As they attempted to cross the highway only a few feet off the road, cars, trucks were crushing them all over the road, sucking them into their radiators by the thousands. It was a sight to behold!!! If it happens every year or not I cannot say. There is a way to cut down on...

  • A house divided

    Dale Terrillion|Mar 1, 2023

    "Any Kingdom divided against itself will be ruined, and a house divided against itself will fall." Luke 11:17 Starting with the civil war and everything going on in America these days has this country ever been so divided? Even the churches seem to steer clear of each other. They seem not to realize God may have something to teach them there. Romans 1:11,12.When was the last time one denomination prayed for another that they might have a great revival? Ephe. 4:43As America slides into a continue...

  • Buckaroo Country

    Dale Terrillion|Feb 23, 2023

    Hang'n out in the cabin this winter, pack'n wood in and ashes out, brings to mind another winter the logg'n was shut down there in Eastern Oregon. Mills were full. Loggers were always too good at what they did. We were living at the ol' Mount Emily logg'n camp. Our neighbor Bud Woodard and family has a corral pole operation, him and his two boys. He had an old Peterbuilt short logger and a pup trailer that hauled 1,100 rails. Sold'em to the big cattle ranches in Nevada near the Oregon state...

  • One in Christ

    Dale Terrillion, Christian Logger|Nov 24, 2022

    I was thinkin' the other day how well the wife and I got along spiritually. We both agree that Jesus is the way, the truth and the life, that the Bible is the ultimate truth and God inspired. No if, ands, buts or maybes. The only Church she attended as a young girl was Methodist. And I was raised Catholic. There will be no argument in this house about what denomination is right and which one wrong. From what I can see there's good in all and some bad in all. We're dealin' with human beings here....

  • Holland Lake Lodge Once It Is Gone…

    Dale Terrillion, Polson, Montana|Sep 29, 2022

    As best I remember it, over 40 years ago, me and my cutt’n partner Butch was coming down from Alaska. Turned off in Albany, Oregon headed for the sleepy little cowboy logg’n town called Sisters. Butch had friends there. Took note of the scenery over the Santiam pass, noted in the distance Mt. Jefferson wilderness and the mountain majesty thereabouts. Was a few years since Butch was back and all of a sudden was big real estate developments Butch whistled, “What happened?” Last time he saw it--it was a meadow, horses and cows. As I drove through...

  • Happy Trails

    Dale Terrillion, Christian Logger|Sep 1, 2022

    Back when I was a lad and my hound dog was a pup, Saturday mornings usually found me walk'n up that dirt road that led to the only TV in the neighborhood. Don't ya see it was there in that old homestead owned by one of the best neighbors on the planet word has it they were good Catholic folks. Anyway, several of us young'uns would invade their hospitality just in time to see Roy Rogers and Trigger get the bad guys. Sometimes his wife Dale joined in the chase on Buttermilk the buckskin. As I...

  • Are we there yet?

    Dale Terrillion, Christian Logger|May 19, 2022

    Perhaps some of you remember Aleksandr Solzenitsyn the Christian writer from Russia who was stuck in prison for years for speaking out against the evil Soviet system? They finally took away his citizenship and he came to America. Although late in life, in spite of the corrupt Soviet system, he still loved his homeland. He became friends with Putin and returned to Moscow, Russia and died there. In 1978 Harvard gave him an honorary degree in literature. He gave the commencement address--not...

  • From death to life to Christ

    Dale Terrillion, Christian Logger|Feb 17, 2022

    I told this story many, many moons ago but it is so profound and stirring I must tell it again, best as I remember. If I thought I was going to Alaska again just to cut big timber, I was wrong. The good book sez “many are the plans in a man’s heart, but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails.” I had the habit of visiting the different small churches at the logg’n camps or villages that I could drive or walk to. I wasn’t into denominational idolatry. I like what John Wesley said, “does thou love and fear God? I extend thee the hand of fello...

  • Don't forget

    Dale Terrillion|Nov 25, 2021

    Many, many, moons ago whenever I took to the hills, there was some good advice in that famous packers guide and artist Joe Backs book, "Horses, Hitches and Rocky Trails." Have yer check list so ya don't forget. Elk season com'n up so I went over my list like them folks go'n over Obama's birth certificate. Yup, looked good at the time. Sett'n up the wall tent with Indian autumn com'n on sure was grand out here in the great outdoors. Had the ponies on the high line out back. Gave'um a little hay...

  • Growing in Christ

    Dale Terrillion|Nov 18, 2021

    It was another one of those times when the cupboards began to look like Ol' Mother Hubbard's pantry. It seemed like a time to worry. However, Jesus reminded me in Matthew 6 how "He takes care of the birds of the air...and not to worry about tomorrow." So I had to come up with a plan or so I thought. No work locally. But God had a better purpose. For the same chapter sez "to seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these thing will be given to you as well." So my wonderful wife...

  • Lessons from the mustangs and Jim

    Dale Terrillion|Aug 26, 2021

    Many moons ago, while be'n a glutton for punishment, I made a trip to the wild horse corrals near Sparks, Nevada to get a couple of broomtails. While wait'n on things to happen, I noticed a black man showed up to guard the gate. Seemed a little bored there all by himself. He had to check on everyone's invite 'cause some radicals were lurk'n about to disrupt proceedings. Anyway, I moseyed over to chat with him, introduced myself, he likewise sez his name was Jim. I shook his hand, looked him in...

  • In His time

    Dale Terrillion, Christian Logger|Aug 19, 2021

    There's still some of us around that milked the cows by hand. My first encounter with this age-old routine came when I was 11. I'd been hired out to Uncle Lesile for the summers' hay'n. A bad storm left us without power and so there we were at 5 a.m. milk'n 24 cows by hand. Uncle, wife and me. Their children were grown and gone. Uncle milked seven, Marie 16 and me one. Otherwise, Marie never went to the barn. And she was ex-city gal from California. The Golden State was a different place back...

  • Renewed friendships

    Dale Terrillion|Jul 8, 2021

    Here a while back I was talk'n to Paul Ossowski. Hadn't talked to him in over 20 years. He's over in Eastern Montana now. Has a good job in an oil field. You all may not remember him, he's the one I sold that black mustang to named Shadow, he had a dry freeze brand on his hip 9360. Paul worked, at that time, I believe for the Heart Bar Heart Ranch out of Ovando. He remembered the time right after he got 9360 how the horse got away from him there in the yard where he lived. Followed Shadow around...

  • Sullivan River and the Rip Tide

    Dale Terrillion|Jun 10, 2021

    Leaving Mosquito Lake and head'n down to Sullivan River, we rode with gutsy Leo in his 14-foot Boston Whaler. Ya'll remember Leo? He killed the griz that attacked him in that compromised position. Leo was in charge, only me and Butch to start the cutt'n. Boy that boat ride in that rip tide about beat us to death. Leo had his D-6 there and stiff leg (walk logs to tie the log raft to) all set up. Van truck with all his tools, chokers, etc, emergency food and in the corner a 30-06. Leo sezs, "Boys...

  • Memories of Memorial Day

    Dale Terrillion, Christian Logger|May 20, 2021

    Several years back I returned for Mom's funeral. I laid eight roses on her casket, one for each of her children – one stillborn. It was a perfect spring day - made me remember all those Memorial Days she took us to this place. To show respect for loved ones and all the service men and women buried there. I didn't linger as they lowered the casket next to a stillborn daughter, Dad and brother Gilbert, who was killed in Germany. They placed a flag there. And years later Brother Wilson, who s...

  • Mosquito Lake

    Dale Terrillion|Apr 22, 2021

    Many moons ago, we were hav'n breakfast at the Hungry Bear. In the booth next to us was Joe Wilhelm and wife. We struck up a conversation 'bout cutt'n timber in Alaska. Joe asked if I'd heard of a place called the Kelsaw? Yes, it was near Mosquito Lake, North of Haines. Joe sez he was there once. Didn't say if he cut there or just looked it over. The years I knew Joe he worked at the Rustics log yard. If ya didn't like Joe, there was something wrong with yer gene pool. When pard and I went...

  • My two cents on the wildlife bills

    Dale Terrillion, Proctor, Montana|Apr 1, 2021

    My, oh my, all those folks – specialists with all those degrees speak’n out against those bills in the legislature. I’m impressed. You may have noticed I don’t have any degrees just a lifetime out ‘n the woods. Sixty-five years of trap’n from wolves, lynx, wolverine and everything in between. I was wonder’n if all those folks who signed that letter to the editor in the March 25 Pathfinder (Bills are harmful to wildlife and hunting heritage in Montana) ever lost any livestock or dogs to predators? Anyway, I will agree with ‘um on the snare th...

  • Mad bear at mid-day

    Dale Terrillion|Mar 11, 2021

    Gett'n back to that other bear story ... check'n my records it was not Admiralty this wild scare took place but near Sitka, Chichagof Island. To set this here thing up right, we'll look at timber cutters' handles up and down the coast. In California they're "choppers." On the Oregon-Washington coast they're "timber fallers." And in Alaska they're "bushlers" cause we worked mostly by the thousand board feet - tak'n the name from farm workers that worked by the bushel. Anyway, with that out of...

  • Sharing the Word

    Dale Terrillion, Christian Logger|Feb 18, 2021

    Many, many moons ago winter always had some time to hunt the big cats. There were always some guys who would show up at the old place on the Summit to give chase. My dear wife, who in 53 years never shirked her responsibilities, was up at 4:30. Known as "the queen of hospitality" she was gett'n ready to feed the crew pancakes and eggs. And for a perfect morning she had some soothing Christian music on the stereo. One of the Mennonite men came down the stairs say'n "even pleasant music to get up...

  • The camp

    Dale Terrillion|Feb 11, 2021

    Thought I better catch up on my summer at Gramps logg'n camp. Pack'n that Ol' gear drive McCulloch saw, gas, oil and pack. Husky dog chase'n chipmunks. A great day to be alive. Finally at camp I threw open the door and drank in that fragrance – a cabin full of memories. "Trout fer supper, Husky," I assured him. Grab'n my line and hooks, I ran out and cut me a pole. Dug some worms out near the old horse barn and took off on a trot for the river. A trout jumped!! I baited up and tossed it in. A...

  • Adult behavior

    Dale Terrillion, Proctor, Montana|Feb 4, 2021

    In the spirit of Nancy Pelosi, Mr. Lombardi gave us a full-page report in his Letter to the Editor in the Pathfinder’s Jan. 21 issue. If he thinks Daines and Trump were bad, wait till Chuck Shummer, A.O.C., Bernie and Biden’s cabinet appointments get done raid’n the treasury and our freedoms. Give’em a year, if it takes that long. Please come back and give us another full-page report. Across the page Mike Hopkins gave us the kind of Legislative update we expect. Thanks Mike....

  • The ol' ways

    Dale Terrillion|Jan 14, 2021

    There was a time many moons ago I had a young stud quarter horse. He's lineage went to King P-234 and Peter Mc Cue. That's to those who knew the history. Anyway, this here horse, like many studs, liked to nip. I had him in a box stall and once as I walked by he quick reached out and grabbed my shoulder. Well sir there went part of my wool jacket. Think'n he got away with it, he retreated to the other side of the stalls as if to say, "Gotcha!!" So I was tell'n my great nabor, a good devout...

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