Articles written by Lee Boman

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 14 of 14

  • Monica Tanel better choice than Jennifer Fielder

    Lee Boman, Missoula, Montana|Oct 15, 2020

    I have had brief but memorial conversations with Jennifer Fielder. It was apparent from those conversations that Jennifer Fielder has no desire or ability to work with others that may not agree with her. Most concerning to me was how hostile Jennifer Fielder appeared to be regarding outdoor recreation. I remember thinking how difficult it would be to work on the same committee with Jennifer Fielder. That’s why I was stunned to read that the Missoulian endorsed Jennifer Fielder in part because of her “unique capacity to unite.” Jennifer Field...

  • Open spaces = Montana

    A. Lee Boman, Seeley Lake, Mont.|Aug 30, 2018

    What draws more than 12 million guests to Montana each year? Why has Missoula County grown in population by almost 50 percent since 1990? Why has the outdoor recreation industry grown to be our state’s largest industry? Why is Missoula County so appealing to residents and guests? My guess it is not the traffic on Reserve Street that appeals to folks. All indications are it is our open and wild spaces that generate the Montana magic that draws people to Missoula County. Our open and wild spaces require attention and appreciation if they are t...

  • Hiking Time!

    A. Lee Boman, Seeley Lake ROCKS|Apr 19, 2018

    From the Introduction to 100 Classic Hikes MONTANA, by Douglas Lorain: "If you mention Montana to an avid hiker living almost anywhere else in the United States, the reaction is usually a big smile, a wistful sigh, long stories about a much-treasured vacation to this glorious state, and a comment like, "Now that's God's country." Those of us fortunate enough to live here completely understand this reaction because we can personally attest that it's all absolutely true. The state is glorious,...

  • Ensuring Outdoor Recreation

    A. Lee Boman, Seeley Lake, Mont.|Feb 8, 2018

    Montana’s booming outdoor recreation industry is dependent on having ample wild and wonderful places. We cannot manufacture new wild places. Now is not the time to shrink our public lands, now is the time to protect our public lands. One important step we can take towards ensuring we’ll have sufficient wild places 50 years from now is to see that the Blackfoot Clearwater Stewardship Act (BCSA) becomes law. The BCSA was born and raised by Montanans. For more than a decade local ranchers, loggers, sportsmen, snowmobilers and business owners have...

  • Fast and Loose with Truth

    Lee Boman, Seeley Lake, Mont.|Dec 7, 2017

    SEELEY LAKE - Healthy discussion is productive but spreading falsehoods hurts everyone. A letter recently sent to residents living within the sewer district boundaries included several misleading assertions, for example: Statement in letter ---“The proposal will not appreciably change water quality in the watershed.” Fact --- This is patently false and has no basis in fact, studies or science. The sewer system will remove the source of groundwater contaminants from the most highly populated areas of town. Statement in letter --- “There are s...

  • Our New Economic Champion

    A. Lee Boman, Seeley Lake ROCKS|Nov 2, 2017

    The first Europeans that arrived in Montana were not interested in mountain biking or sight seeing. They came to make money, fast. The determination to make money as quickly as possible without considering long-term consequences triggered a series of boom and bust cycles. Except for agriculture, boom and bust cycles characterized the Montana economy from about 1850 to 1950. We had a gold boom and bust, a silver boom and bust and the one we are reminded of most frequently today, the copper boom...

  • Rely on Facts When Deciding on Seeley Lake Sewer

    Lee Boman, Seeley Lake, Mont.|Sep 21, 2017

    SEELEY LAKE - I’m thankful to live in a community and nation that respects opinions. I respect the opinions of those arguing against a sewer system for Seeley Lake and know they have the best intentions for our community. We must, however, deal with facts when making a decision that will significantly impact our future. Some facts regarding sewer systems and sewage: • A couple of excerpts from the six-page Wastewater section of the 2017 Infrastructure Report Card (easily found via on-line search) -- The nation’s 14,728 wastewater treat...

  • Most Sensible Solution

    Lee Boman, Seeley Lake, Mont.|Aug 24, 2017

    SEELEY LAKE - Everyday most Americans work, play, and relax without thinking about what happens every time they flush a toilet. That’s because most Americans have a sewage treatment facility that properly handles human waste. In Seeley Lake each time we flush we’re not sure exactly how completely waste will be treated. Some septic systems work better than others. All septic systems require maintenance and may require replacing the drain field at some point in time. Studies show a clear link between the location of septic systems and the deg...

  • Learn About the Sewer Project - Support It

    Lee Boman, Seeley Lake, Mont.|Jun 29, 2017

    SEELEY LAKE - Like many people around here, I choose to live in Seeley Lake to enjoy the abundant outdoor recreation opportunities. Everything from hunting to bird watching is available close to home. I can hike a different trail each day and most often have the entire trail to myself. At the same time, I enjoy the benefits of a community full of small town charm. These values will be enhanced by the construction of a sewer system in Seeley Lake. Right now, the septic systems that lie beneath our homes and businesses are polluting our...

  • Blackfoot Clearwater Stewardship Act Will Ensure the Magic of Montana Forever

    Lee Boman, Seeley Lake, Mont.|Mar 2, 2017

    SEELEY LAKE - It doesn’t matter if you are a Republican, Democrat or Independent. It makes no difference if you enjoy snowmobiling or hiking or both. Regardless of personal preferences, all Montanans can be proud of the proposal a group of local folks generated over ten years. The proposal is now known as the Blackfoot Clearwater Stewardship Act. If passed it will enhance timber, recreation and conservation forever in about 80,000 acres near Ovando and Seeley Lake. It turns out working together is valued by most Montanans. A poll, conducted b...

  • Marx is Best Choice for House District 92

    Lee Boman, Seeley Lake, Mont.|Sep 29, 2016

    Addrien Marx is blessed with the background and skills that make her the ideal representative for Montanans living in House District 92. Addrien knows what it means to be a mother. She knows first hand the challenges of running a Montana business. She has backpacked in the “Bob.” Her teaching experience makes it easier for her to understand and assist others. She has successful experience helping folks with differing viewpoints find win-win solutions. She helped build a shooting range. Addrien has served the Historical Museum at Fort Mis...

  • Heaven is Just Over the Hill

    Lee Boman, Seeley Lake, Mont.|Aug 4, 2016

    SEELEY LAKE - Try this. Look at your legs and kindly ask them, “please take me over the hill into the Bob.” Immediately, upon making that request, I predict your brain will send a barrage of messages including: “Are you kidding? We can drive where we need to go. Stupid idea.” And more. But, if your inner self is strong enough to override your brain’s preference for comfort and convenience, then you have an opportunity. You have an opportunity to reduce negative stress, experience personal growth and enjoy increased vigor. Once your legs take...

  • Conflict or Collaboration over Public Lands?

    A. Lee Boman, Seeley Lake, Mont.|Feb 18, 2016

    Most Montanans have their favorite outdoor places. It might be a trout stream, a view from a mountaintop or a mountain bike loop. Wherever your favorite places are, chances are they are on Montana’s public lands. Management of our public lands is a hot topic. Some radicals want to control public lands unlawfully using guns. The American Land Council led by their new CEO, Montana state Sen. Jennifer Fielder, wants to take control of our public lands through legislation. Both efforts ignore the fact that the majority of Montanans treasure p...

  • SSHS Highest Graduation Rate

    Lee Boman, Seeley Lake, Mont.|Jan 21, 2016

    SEELEY LAKE - It was recently reported that Seeley-Swan High School (SSHS) had the highest graduation rate of all high schools in western Montana. The Seeley-Swan graduation rate was a perfect 100 percent! Congratulations to the students, parents, teachers and administrators for earning a 100 percent graduation rate. Congratulations to our community for creating an environment that values education. Twenty-five high schools in western Montana earned a graduation rate equal or higher than the state average of 86 percent. Those schools include:...

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