Articles written by President Sherman Smith

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  • Living the law of love - I'm a Pioneer

    President Sherman Smith, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints|Jul 21, 2022

    The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints prepares to celebrate the 175th anniversary of Pioneer Day July 24 this year. We need to recognize that in addition to the sacrifices of the early pioneers (Ancestors), there are many modern-day pioneers around the globe who have built the Church in their nations or in their families. We need to recognize and remember the love and sacrifices that the present-day pioneers have done and are doing to help all of us live Christ's law. The law of love...

  • Easter

    President Sherman Smith, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints|Apr 21, 2022

    Easter is the Christian holiday celebrating the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. After Christ died on the cross, His body was placed in a sepulcher, where it remained, separated from His spirit, until His Resurrection, when His spirit and His body were reunited. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints affirm and testify that Jesus Christ was resurrected and lives today with a glorified and perfected body of flesh and bone. Following His Resurrection, Jesus appeared first to Mary Magdalene...

  • The creation

    President Sherman Smith, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints|Jan 20, 2022

    We should care for the earth, be wise stewards over it and preserve it for future generations. And we are to love and care for one another. We are to build families and be sealed in holy temples. We are to build the Church and kingdom of God upon the earth. We are to prepare for our own divine destiny-glory, immortality and eternal lives. These supernal blessings can all be ours, through our faithfulness. Your body is a magnificent creation of God. The marvel of our physical bodies is often...

  • Quotes to help live by and come closer to Jesus Christ

    President Sherman Smith, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints|Oct 21, 2021

    "Pure Truth, Pure Doctrine, and Pure Revelation" - President Russell M. Nelson. The pure doctrine of Christ is powerful. It changes the life of everyone who understands it and seeks to implement it in his or her life. The doctrine of Christ helps us find and stay on the covenant path. Staying on that narrow but well-defined path will ultimately qualify us to receive all that God has. Nothing could be worth more than all our Father has! Finally, pure revelation for the questions in your heart wil...

  • Our Heavenly Father wants us to be happy

    President Sherman Smith, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints|Jul 22, 2021

    Before we were born on earth, we all lived with Heavenly Father as His spirit children. He presented a plan to help His children learn and grow. Through His plan, we can become more like Him and be worthy to enjoy eternal life. This plan is possible because God’s Son Jesus Christ came to earth to suffer for our sins, a sacrifice called the Atonement. God sent us to earth, where we could have a physical body (see Genesis 1:26–27). We needed bodies to help us experience life on earth. God knew that we would not feel happy all the time. We exp...

  • How can the Savior & Our Heavenly Father help us in our trials of today?

    President Sherman Smith, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints|Apr 22, 2021

    As we seek to follow Jesus Christ and walk the path of discipleship, line upon line, the day will come that we will experience that unimaginable gift of receiving a fullness of joy. As we nurture and prepare our children, we allow for their agency, we love them with all our heart, we teach them God's commandments and His gift of repentance, and we never, ever, give up on them. After all, isn't this the Lord's way with each of us? Young men and young women, as you grow older, making fun of...

  • Our God is a God of covenants

    President Sherman Smith, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints|Jan 21, 2021

    God makes and keeps His covenants. The scriptures record, preserve and reveal God's covenantal nature. God covenanted with our ancestors Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. He promised them property, posterity and prosperity (see Genesis 12, 15, and 17). He acted through mighty acts of wonder to save our ancestors from Egyptian bondage. At Mount Sinai He invited our ancestors, and by extension all of us, to covenant to be loyal to Him (see Exodus 20 and the Book of Deuteronomy). God's recorded...

  • Listening to the voice of God in Scripture and in our lives - Do we hear Him?

    President Sherman Smith, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints|Oct 29, 2020

    President Russell M. Nelson issued the challenge to “think deeply and often about this key question: How do you hear Him?” He then promised, “When we seek to hear—truly hear—His Son, we will be guided to know what to do in any circumstance.” The scriptures preserve the precious words of God to His children. In the past His faithful saints heard Him and recorded His truths. Now in our day we can hear Him again as we read and ponder the scriptures, listen to and follow modern day prophets, and keep our spirits open to regular inspiration from hea...

  • That ye may learn wisdom

    President Sherman Smith, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints|Aug 6, 2020

    What Is Wisdom Literature? In the Bible, there is a set of writings called “Wisdom Literature.” These books include Proverbs, Psalms, Job, Ecclesiastes and the Song of Solomon. The purpose of wisdom literature is to preserve wise sayings of a righteous parent or leader to a young and growing child. The righteous and wise parent delivers instructions to the child on how to live a happy, prosperous life by putting God first and keeping the commandments. We see this in Proverbs 7:1-3, “My son, keep my words, and lay up my commandments with thee....

  • What does it mean to walk the paths of righteousness?

    President Sherman Smith, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints|May 14, 2020

    God had covenantally promised property, posterity and prosperity to the children of Abraham (see Genesis 12:1-3) if they were loyal to Him. At Mount Sinai, God revealed the covenantal instructions for loyalty through Moses to the Israelites. Insofar as the Israelites were loyal to God by keeping the commandments, they experienced the blessings of the Abrahamic covenant. And insofar as they were disloyal to God by purposefully breaking the commandments and refusing to heed God's loving...

  • Conversion is our goal

    President Sherman Smith, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints|Nov 28, 2019

    The aim of all gospel learning and teaching is to deepen our conversion and help us become more like Jesus Christ. For this reason, when we study the gospel, we’re not just looking for new information; we want to become a “new creature” (2 Corinthians 5:17). This means relying on Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ to help us change our hearts, our views, our actions and our very natures. But the kind of gospel learning that strengthens our faith and leads to the miracle of conversion doesn’t happen all at once. It extends beyond a classro...

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