Listening to the voice of God in Scripture and in our lives - Do we hear Him?

President Russell M. Nelson issued the challenge to “think deeply and often about this key question: How do you hear Him?” He then promised, “When we seek to hear—truly hear—His Son, we will be guided to know what to do in any circumstance.”

The scriptures preserve the precious words of God to His children. In the past His faithful saints heard Him and recorded His truths. Now in our day we can hear Him again as we read and ponder the scriptures, listen to and follow modern day prophets, and keep our spirits open to regular inspiration from heaven. We need to share personal and scriptural insights to inspire and improve our hearing of the voice of God. Do we need an invitation to apply principles of spiritual hearing that will yield a bountiful harvest? That supports each one of us to give all our efforts to better hear and understand Him in our lives.

Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect. If ye keep my commandments ye shall prosper in the land. It is by grace that we are saved, after all we can do. The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Do not add or take away. Walk before God

Who among us would not want to become an expert at knowing God’s truth and living it?

Alma’s lesson in Alma 32 provides guidance for how to become an Expert by using our life experiences as Experiments to gain Expertise in following God.

Alma urges sincere followers of God to Experiment on the word of God. Alma invites us to learn through personal Experience to taste and embrace the true as though we had planted our own personal tree of life.

Alma 32:33 And now, behold, because ye have tried the experiment, and planted the seed, and it swelleth and sprouteth, and beginneth to grow, ye must needs know that the seed is good.

To press Forward on the covenant path we must try things, we must Experience risk, we must attempt something. We cannot learn without trying. We cannot learn without risk. We cannot learn without failure.

The Atonement Makes Possible All Learning through Experimentation

As Alma so clearly taught, the only way to grow and to learn is to experiment, to try, risk something, to attempt something.

The atonement underwrites all our learning.

The atonement makes possible all our experimentation in becoming more like God.

The atonement paves the path for us to gain experience and expertise to be like God.

What experiments will you conduct in your life to gain experience to be an Expert follower of God?

Veterans Day is Nov. 11. & Marine Corps Birthday is Nov. 10. Remember the sacrifices that our Veterans have given for us so we can enjoy the Freedoms we have now!!


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