Pumps - Raising Us All Up

SEELEY LAKE - Some have criticized our planned sewer system for having pumps. Pumps are part of everyone’s lives, for example:

How does your vehicle get its fuel?

How do you get your water to your home?

How is the Propane transferred from the supply truck to your propane tank?

How does an airplane get its fuel to the engine?

How does your refrigerator or freezer keep your food cold?

Does your electrical generation require pumps? Generators, cooling systems, HV AC?

How does your vehicle get its cooling and oil distribution?

Do those pointing fingers at pumps think our sewer system will be the first on the planet to use pumps? With thousands of water treatment facilities working every day to treat sewage it is a little silly to believe the basics of a treatment plant haven’t been well designed and tested.

Like myself roughly two-thirds of Seeley Lake residents do not live in the Sewer District. However, we all face the same risks from not having a sewer. If we don’t get the sewer now we’ll lose our funding packages. Let’s get the sewer and work together as an entire community to make it functional and affordable. Let’s not let unfounded fears such as “pumps” destroy our future.


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