Grateful for Senator Tester's Support of Homegrown Approach to Land Management and Job Creation

In Montana, we know how to turn casual conversations into collaborative policies that work for the benefit of all. The Blackfoot Clearwater Stewardship Project is a model for homegrown collaboration that works. It includes the support of a diverse group of local businesses and individuals.

Through the passing of the Blackfoot Clearwater Stewardship Act, the Forest Service will be given more tools to actively manage our forests and continue to put our neighbors and friends to work. This Act and the tools provided therein is an example of how communities can work within budget constraints and federal and state authorities to accomplish important work on our private and public lands.

We in Montana thank Senator Tester for honoring this process and taking the lead on sponsoring a bill that supports jobs while balancing responsible forest management with conservation and recreation. It is the kind of leadership businesses with an interest in creating jobs while exercising responsible forest management depend on. In the spirit of cooperation, we hope Senator Daines soon supports this Montana-made agreement.

Montanans can be grateful to have Senator Tester putting forward a homegrown approach to land management and job creation. We hope that Congress will support this bipartisan effort that helps Montanans more actively manage and restore our forests, provide jobs and reduce fire risk while improving the quality of our lands, rivers and streams.


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