Trash is something we all have to deal with and living in the Seeley Lake area can be a bit challenging with hungry bears as neighbors. That's why Clearwater Valley Bear Smart has been trying to help local citizens better manage their garbage and avoid bear conflicts.
Wrapping up a successful Bear Fair in June, Alan Davis, the Clearwater Valley Bear Smart Coordinator, and Jamie Jonkel, Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks Bear Management Specialist, delivered 24 bear resistant garbage containers to residents of Dogtown. We are thankful to the Blackfoot Challenge, Defenders of Wildlife and Lolo Nat...
Reader Comments(1)
Bearbreaker writes:
Have been using bear resistant container like these for over a decade and can vouch for their value. If you have a dog, including a sack of their excrement (fancy word required to get through language censors) on top of any good smelling trash makes them virtually fail proof. While bears have tipped neighbor’s can that is completely adjacent intermittently, mine has been ignored. You can benefit from Dogtown’s traditional moniker and send the bears packing.
07/31/2024, 4:36 pm