Drive safe this holiday

December is National Impaired Driving Prevention Month. It opportunely coincides with the holidays when folks are going to parties, reconnecting with old friends, and maybe indulging more than they do the rest of the year. Wherever you’re going this Christmas season, please never get behind the wheel impaired.

While I’m encouraged that this year our alcohol-related traffic fatalities are down from the last two years, just one death on our highways because drugs or alcohol is too many. This year, there have been 53 alcohol-related traffic fatalities in Montana and drugs have been a factor in 24 traffic deaths -- All 100 percent preventable.

When someone gets behind the wheel impaired, they put everyone’s life on the road at risk, not just their own. By having a plan when you go out you can avoid ruining your own life or someone else’s. It’s easy: designate a driver, take a rideshare, and if you’re going to a friend’s house just stay there.

Throughout the holiday season, our Montana Highway Patrol troopers will be increasing DUI patrols to look for drunk and drugged drivers and prevent unnecessary tragedies on our roads and highways.

Please do your part in helping us make sure every Montanan gets home safely and can celebrate with their friends and family this season. Have fun but remember to be responsible behind the wheel.


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