Thanks for listening

I want to thank the Missoula County Commissioners and their staff for coming to Seeley Lake on Sept. 18 to talk about the future of this town and our “vision for the community.”

The Seeley Lake Community Hall was packed, and County Commissioners heard from almost 100 residents that they care about the future of this place and valley and want to keep it clean, safe and community oriented.

Commissioners and staff sat at tables to hear the concerns and dreams of residents for this place, and, at least, at my table, the most recurring theme was a desire to protect the nature of this community and to steward its natural resources – especially its clean water – for future generations.

Clean water and wastewater came up time and again and issues were highlighted that can help shape the future of Seeley Lake and communities like Condon in the Seeley-Swan Valley.

Protecting our clean water can help to guide our economy and is a major reason visitors come here and why we have a vibrant ecosystem that harbors all kinds of wildlife.

Increases in growth, development, recreation and tourism will only tax our abundant natural resources. But by working together as a community, we can ensure that future generations get to enjoy the landscape that we cherish today.

So, it was gratifying to see a great turnout at the Missoula County Commissioners community conversation, and to hear friends and neighbors talk about what makes this place special and why we need to work together to protect it.

Thanks, commissioners and staff, and we look forward to hearing from you on the results of this collaborative effort.


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