A response to the editor's previous letter

A response to the editor’s previous letter

Mr. Metcalf,

I really don’t have sufficient words to describe the idiocy of the first paragraph of your Letter From Editor on May 25th. You are taking a obvious political direction and showing your obvious political bias.

I thought newspapers were supposed to report the news without bias. Your personal political positions shouldn’t color the news. You have basically told your readership that you are tremendously biased on the political spectrum -- under what circumstance can you possibly think this is a good thing???

Haven’t you heard of Bud Lite - Target etc etc etc -- you are in the news business.

What portion of your readership have you now alienated -- or put in a position to question your reporting as political as opposed to factual.

While I may or may not share your political views -- they have NO PLACE being shoved in the readers faces. Is there any question now that your reporting will be biased???

Of course this is the result.

Stick to the business of reporting the news without the blatant bias -- which by the way is what journalism is supposed to be.

Jim Ybarrondo

Helena, MT


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