
Pathfinder Archives March 23 Issue

Drug Bust Nets $60,000 Worth of Marijuana

Missoula County law enforcement officers confiscated 44 mature marijuana plants from a Lindbergh Lake residence Tuesday. Captain Larry Weatherman, Missoula County Sheriff's Department, said that the marijuana plants, along with "six or eight" pounds of dried marijuana, has an estimated street value of about $60,000. A Swan Valley man was arrested and taken into custody Tuesday in connection with the case. Weatherman also said that officers confiscated a number of lights, scales and other miscellaneous equipment as a result of their search.

Three men escape from Camp 

Three inmates walked away from the Swan River Forest Camp minimum security prison facility Sunday night and are being sought by law enforcement officials in the region. According to Don Huwe, social worker at the correctional facility, the three men were in their quarters for the 9:00 p.m. "check" Sunday night but were reported missing during the 10 p.m. check. Huwe said that officials have uncovered very few leads in the case but they have reason to believe the men may have gotten a ride out of the area. Huwe said the men were not considered dangerous.


Forest Council will meet Tuesday 

All are invited to the next meeting of the Seeley "X" Forest Council on Tuesday, March 25, at 6:30 p.m. at the Senior Center. The first half of the meeting will be a presentation by Peter Kalb from the University of Montana School of Forestry on "Forest Health - What does this mean; how can it be characterized." The second half of the meetIng will be dedicated to the name of the forest council (candidates for "X" include Lake, Valley, and null element), draft by-laws, and other organizational matters. At the last meeting of the SXFC, several organizational arrangements and alliances were discussed. A consensus emerged that we should draft incorporation papers and a set of by-laws for an independent, non profit, Seeley Lake organization and that we should apply for a small grant to assist with organizational and initial expenses.

Everybody Talks About It...but Community Needs Remain Undone 

During the course of attending community meetings and activities it seems that several "nice to do things" keep coming up. Everybody talks about them and agrees somebody ought to do something, but nobody ever steps forward to do them. Some of the community needs that get repeatedly mentioned are: Community calendar with currently scheduled events and special activities; Listing of various infrastructure board members and their terms of office; A composite map showing the geographic boundaries of the various infrastructure districts (e.g., schools, fire, sewer, hospital, water); A community file in the Seeley Swan library; Mailing lists sorted by type (e.g., infrastructure, business, non-profit, adhoc group, etc.); Extract information from grants written to identify information requested repeatedly; and, a community profile (demographics, facilities, utilities, etc.). The Seeley Lake Community Council would like to facilitate completion of these tasks. A limIted amount of funding is available to help cover expenses for getting them done.


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