Celebrate freedom without fireworks - support a veteran

Letter to the Editor

Dear Seeley Lake, 

I know you all like to celebrate the freedom you have with fireworks. Have you gone around your neighborhood and asked if anyone is a combat veteran and checked to see if fireworks negatively affect them? 

If you truly do value your freedom, these are the people to thank. The funny thing is, a lot of us have a Pavlovian response to the sounds fireworks produce and it’s one of the worst things to experience. 

It’s a little misdirected to purchase novelty explosive devices to set off if you are thankful for freedom. Buy a shelter a bag of dog or cat food. Help a veteran cut firewood or mow their grass. There’s countless other ways to display freedom without simulating the most traumatic events of those that fought for said freedom. 

I would hope an area so filled with flags and yellow ribbons would jump at the opportunity to actually support combat veterans….

Jesse Chadwick, A Co. 1/505 PIR, 82nd Airborne Division, TF 1 Panther Afghanistan, 2002-2003, H-Minus


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