Volunteers needed to meet rising demand

A Note from Missoula Aging Services

Many of the programs and services provided by Missoula Aging Services (MAS) are made possible thanks to wonderful volunteers who are dedicated to giving back to the community. MAS has worked hard during the past two years to keep pace with the demand for services it provides to older adults in Missoula County. Due to this steady increase, MAS has identified a need to recruit a minimum of 32 volunteers to serve 96 new clients currently on a waiting list and is looking to the community for help.

MAS offers several types of volunteer positions but would like to shine a spotlight on one of the most impactful opportunities it has to offer, Senior Companions. Senior Companion volunteers enjoy being matched with homebound older adults based on common interests, personality traits and geographic location. These volunteers commit to spending nine or more hours per week with their clients on a scheduled, routine basis. Even though the visits are planned in advance, the volunteer maintains the flexibility to adjust the schedule as needed to accommodate their personal life commitments.

Ria Overholt, Volunteer Services Program Manager for MAS shared, "Volunteers strengthen the fabric of the community, provide essential services at a time when those services are critically needed and enrich the lives of everyone they work with." She added, "These volunteers are a lifeline to many of our older neighbors, and knowing we have 96 clients still on a waitlist is something that keeps me up at night. We simply must find more people in the community who would be willing to lend a hand."

Senior Companion volunteers are vital to older adults and their ability to remain living independently in their home. Senior Companions can help clients with tasks around the home, help with medical appointments and grocery shopping, provide transportation for errands, assist with food preparation, go for walks together, relax by playing games or doing crafts, and helping sort and read mail. In many cases this support also provides respite for primary caregivers.

All MAS volunteers can receive mileage reimbursement and if they are age and/or income eligible, they can also receive a cost reimbursement stipend that is not taxable or counted as income. If you or someone you know would enjoy volunteering for MAS as a Senior Companion or otherwise, please call Missoula Aging Services at (406) 728-7682 or visit missoulaagingservices.org to sign up.

MAS promotes the independence, dignity and health of older adults and those who care for them. It was established in 1982 by the Missoula County Commissioners with a modest budget and a staff of five. Today, MAS empowers thousands of older adults, their families and caregivers through programs, services, volunteer opportunities and education to continue to live independently, at home for as long as possible.


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