Just vote!

Legislative Update - Senate District 46

Well, it's that time of year again to practice your right to vote. We have the freedom to choose those people who represent us in the US Congress, the Montana Legislature and in the courts. I am so grateful for our democracy, as imperfect as it is, it allows us to take part and share our voice.

Don't be embarrassed if you don't know who to vote for, I'd recommend reading the Pathfinder for information, and most candidates have a website or Facebook page where you can find more information. I also highly encourage you to have thoughtful and earnest conversations with your family, friends and neighbors.

I know, we're trained not to talk religion or politics but if we approach a conversation with an open mind, an interest in learning more and not trying to change someone's mind in a polarizing way, I think we could all get significantly further in life. Starting off with "What do you think about...." or, "I have no idea who to vote for. Do you have any insights?" are helpful ways to start a potentially awkward conversation. We don't have to take things personally, our Constitutions (both U.S. and Montana) allow us to have different perspectives on things and it manages those differences.

For me, voting is one of the most important things we can do to make the world a better place. Vote for people who share your values, whether it's housing, taxes, education, social security, natural resources or whatever floats your boat. At the very least, encourage others to cast their ballots and wear that little "I Voted" sticker with pride!


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