Missoula County Justice of the Peace Department #2

Local Election Guide

Voter Information: Incumbent Judge Landee Holloway and Susan Campbell Reneau are running for the Justice of the Peace Department 2. Voters have the option to vote for one on the June 7 ballot. Both candidates will appear on the General Election ballot in November. Candidates responded to provided questions (bold) in 500 words or less. Absentee ballots have been mailed to all registered voters. Voting will occur in-person June 7 at Seeley Lake Elementary from 7 a.m. - 8 p.m. For other polling places visit My Voter Page (https://app.mt.gov/voterinfo/). For more information visit the Missoula County Elections Office (missoulacounty.us/government/administration/elections-office) or call 406-258-4751.

Judge Landee Holloway - Incumbent

Biography: Judge Holloway obtained a Bachelor's degree in Criminology with a minor in Psychology before making Missoula her home in 1992. She worked for the State of Montana Department of Corrections as a Felony Probation and Parole Officer for 21 years. She was appointed and elected as your Missoula County Justice of the Peace in 2016. She lives in Missoula with husband Nick and teenage son Jax. They love dogs, chickens and getting into the outdoors.

Experience, skills, strengths: Judge Holloway has committed her career to public service. She is fair and holds people accountability for their actions. She works to improve community safety and reduce crime through the use of multiple alternatives and community resources and views incarceration as one of many tools available to judges.

"I understand that good people sometimes make bad choices and are deserving of a second chance. I also understand that for the sake of community safety, some people must be incarcerated."

Why do you want to be the Justice of the Peace?  I aspire to influence individuals as they enter the justice system and be the voice of reason and decision. As Justice of the Peace I support evidence-based interventions that lead to jail diversion, lower cost to tax payers, reduced recidivism and less victimization. My knowledge of community corrections and years of courtroom experience benefits those just entering the justice system as well as crime victims. Applying and upholding the law is the absolute foundation to the judiciary and I vow to do so with integrity and fidelity.

What would you like to see changed or what issues would you address if elected? When I first became a Justice of the Peace, I saw several areas that needed improvement. I am proud to say those improvements have been made through a partnership with Judge Beal over the past four years. The court now has an integrated staff along with clear processes, rules and expectations for those appearing before the court; not only for the defendant but also attorneys and agencies that interact with the court.

Six years ago when I first ran for Justice of the Peace, there was a request from the Seeley Lake Community for Justice Court to conduct hearings in Seeley Lake on a regular basis to be more accessible to your community. Although Court is not officially held in Seeley Lake, I am happy to say there are now options to appear remotely for some hearing, making Court more accessible.

What challenges to you see facing the office for Justice of Peace and how would you address them? I see violent crime along with drug and alcohol abuse continuing to be a challenge for all courts. Locking people up is not the answer for everyone. The judiciary has a significant responsibility and opportunity to get to the root problems, understand the challenges people face and provide direction while holding people accountable. ROAD Court, my DUI treatment court, gets to the root of the issue, saves lives, makes our roads safer and saves taxpayers' dollars. I value the opportunity to have meaningful interactions with people who come before the court to facilitate positive change.

I am up for reelection and asking for your vote to continue serving as your Justice of the Peace. https://landeeholloway.com/

Susan Campbell Reneau

Biography: I am the child of a U.S. Marine who lived in 11 states and married a man that worked for the U.S. Forest Service and the Boone and Crockett Club. I traveled all over the place throughout my childhood and adulthood. I love every section of our nation but have lived the longest in Missoula. I love Montana the best. I've visited every U.S. National Park and many National Wildlife Refuges and was lucky enough to write two best-selling books on wildlife plus make successful investments in the stock market and real estate that has allowed me to help many people in my 30 years in Missoula.

Experience, skills, strengths: For the past 30 years, I have worked in Missoula and Bitterroot valleys with women, children and veterans to locate what they need to help them in all aspects of their lives. I served for more than 20 years as the president of Neighborhood Watch of Missoula City and County where I coordinated with Missoula City Police and Missoula Sheriff 's Department crime prevention officers and community leaders.

As for professional education, I hold a M.S. in business marketing and public relations from American University and a B.A. in education and speech communication from University of Northern Colorado. I moved with my husband and three sons from Washington, D.C. in September 1992 because the Boone and Crockett Club transferred us. I was a teacher and journalist in Washington, D.C., Kentucky and Northern California before moving to Missoula. I've continued as a journalist in Missoula. Because of my work and strong support of supporter of women, children and veterans, I was asked by many people in the law enforcement and legal community to submit my application to run as the Justice of the Peace, District 2 in Missoula.

Why do you want to be the Justice of the Peace? If elected, I will dedicate a majority of my salary to non-profits that help victims of crime.


• Listen to your case in Justice Court with laser intensity.

• Render decisions with fairness, impartiality and integrity.

• Stop a revolving door policy for release of criminals into our community.

• Set bail appropriately to protect the victims and our community.

• Show compassion to victims of crime.

• Assign appropriate financial support so children receive proper care.

• Work closely with and respect law enforcement to follow all local, state and federal laws.

• Not allow repeat offenders second, third and fourth chances as victims suffer.

• Donate a portion of my salary to help victims of crime through non-profit organizations.

• Review all evidence in each case and make decisions based on the law.

Call me today with your questions on my cell phone at 406-207-2714. Write to me at bluemountain@montana.com or P.O. Box 1511, Missoula, MT 59806. What you think is important to me.

Thank you for your vote and support.


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