Blackfoot Challenge releases Stewardship Guide

OVANDO - The Blackfoot Challenge recently completed the Blackfoot Watershed Stewardship Guide, a 36-page handbook full of information and resources on land and water stewardship for Blackfoot residents. In drawing upon both the generations of stewardship wisdom from those who live and work in the Blackfoot as well the latest scientific research and information, the Challenge hopes this Guide serves as a useful, informative and fun resource for residents as they navigate stewarding the rich and diverse resources that define our watershed.  

In seven sections, the Guide addresses common questions about water rights and conservation, streams and wetlands, wildlife, forestry, grazing and soil health, native and invasive plants, and land conservation. Each section also includes frequently asked questions, specific resource recommendations and contact information for Blackfoot Challenge staff who are available to answer questions and provide additional information and resources.  

Elaine Caton, Education Coordinator for the Blackfoot Challenge and Ovando resident, spearheaded the effort. She worked with other Blackfoot Challenge staff to assemble information from across the organization's stewardship programs. 

"For many years we've discussed the need for a go-to resource that collects stewardship best practices. Originally we envisioned a sort of "welcome wagon packet" for new residents to learn about the place where they had moved. And while that is still an important goal of this Guide, we realized that the best stewardship evolves over time as wisdom and skill are combined with new ideas," Caton said. "We hope it will be a source of helpful information for long-time watershed residents as well."

Mary McFadzen, Science Communications Specialist for the Montana Institute on Ecosystems and the US Fish & Wildlife Service, lent her design expertise to create the Guide. Her thoughtful choices regarding layout, colors and small details are evident throughout. 

"It's rewarding to be a part of this project because it gives landowners a product that is engaging and super helpful to guide decision making," McFadzen said. "And as a long-time Montana resident and biologist, I really value collaborative approaches to working with landowners for the greater good of our communities."

In addition to photos, maps, quotes and carefully created infographics to convey stewardship information, each section also features the work of a local artist. Each one of these artists graciously donated the use of their artwork for this Guide. The final page features an "Artists Gallery" where readers will find a listing of website and contact information to explore the work of each artist further. 

As Blackfoot Challenge Board Chair Jim Stone stated in the introduction, the Guide is the beginning of a conversation. The organization hopes the information compiled in the Guide answers some questions and also piques others, facilitating connections between the many stewards living and working in the Blackfoot watershed.

By neighboring up, Blackfoot Valley residents can continue to share their collective knowledge and understanding, for the good of their own properties as well as for this larger landscape everyone calls home. 

The Guide is available to download at Hard copies are also free for all residents. Email Caton at or call the Challenge office at 406-793-3900 to request a copy.


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