Clarification to COVID-18 statistics

Letter to the Editor

I would like to add a clarification to Mike Marshall’s letter regarding COVID-19 statistics from the Feb. 17 issue. Regardless of where Mike got his information, it was lacking and misleading. This so called vaccine is not your annual flu vaccine you have been taking all of your life. And per Dr. Fauci, the medical definition of unvaccinated persons is any person not current on his/her shots and boosters. So if you got one shot last year and no others, you are considered medically unvaccinated. It matters not how many shots or boosters you have had. If you are tardy for the next shot, you are considered unvaccinated. Nothing in his letter indicates the number of people that have COVID-19 and have had any number of vaccinations.

An example is where I live. I have heard of no person dying of COVID-19 that was vaccinated or not at all ever. I have heard of only one case last year prior to vaccines and he recovered at home. I have heard of the flu, it’s back now after being absent for two years. I have friends that are old like me, that were strong as a horse, got vaccinated last year and now have serious medical injuries. And the numbers of cases in all categories in Montana are not just Montanan’s. Many are from other states around us that ran out of beds.

So forgive me if I suspect all the statistics Mike Marshall provided. It sounds like propaganda designed to scare people. Vaccines are a personal choice. And in order for people to make informed choices, they deserve all information good or bad. Choices represent a free society. Fear represents repression.


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