Reasons many oppose Jesus' one, true Faith:
• Free will....whoever does not gather with Me scatters" (Luke 11:14-[23]). Without remaining with Jesus in His sacraments, whereby we obey His commandments, "we can do nothing" fruitful in His eyes (John 15:1-[5]-27).
• Unbelief. Why would Jesus establish one, holy, catholic, and apostolic Church, where He would always be with us in His sacraments, if He didn't intend that we join Him there, see Matthew 28:16-[20]? Our participation is commanded by Jesus, "Take and flesh is meat indeed" (Matthew 26:26-28...John 6:22-[55-56]-71); see Ephesia...
Reader Comments(1)
MonumentalistJC writes:
Nice assessment Diane, thanks for posting!
07/10/2021, 8:09 pm