Seeley Lake students take the stage in "Spotlight"

SEELEY LAKE - Students from Seeley Lake Elementary and Seeley-Swan High School showed off their talents at "Spotlight," a talent show featuring acts from both schools in the high school's small gym Tuesday, May 25. Acts ranged from a variety of fields including singing, dancing, magic tricks and science experiments.

Music teacher Janet Morgenstern opened the show, highlighting that talent comes in many forms - what one sees as talent can be different for someone else. This was followed by a series of acts in multiple mediums including a science experiment, a magic trick, dancing and singing. 

Morgenstern said the SLE students have been practicing since the end of April while the high school students began practicing earlier in May. She said her choir students were the ones who were passionate about pursuing a show. She was excited to offer an opportunity for students to show off their talents in the school's auditorium.

Towards the end of the show she held a lettering ceremony where she awarded students for their individual participation in band and choir. Letter recipients included Junior Trista Wendel, Freshman Jalen Kauffman, Sophomore Cora Stone, Freshman Angel Bruton, Junior Sara Stevenson, Senior Trinity Koch, Senior Kess Victor and Sophomore Coda Gonzalez.

While Morgenstern said there were some hiccups in the performances, overall she was very pleased with how the students fared in front of an audience.

"I feel like they did extremely well," she said. "You have to keep in mind that [for] all but [two kids] this was their very first time [performing for a larger audience]. ... It's a skill of getting up there in front of people."


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