Notes of gratitude...

SLE Pattie Crum's second grade class wrote "I'm thankful for..."

My dogs and my Dad. I am thankful for my school. ~ Jerimyah

I am thankful for sleep. I love Mrs. Crum. She is the best teacher. ~ Kaelynn

I am thankful for Xbox and my phone and my tablet and my bike and my scooter and my friends and Mrs. Crum and my mom and Dad and my Hover Board and my school and my Name. ~ Cooper

I am thankful for my family and my Grandpa. ~ Allie

I am thankful for my family, friends and teacher and I am also thankful for Christmas. I am thankful for my teacher because she loves my whole class. ~ Kyra

Ovando School students wrote "What I'm thankful for..."

I am thankful for my family. I love my family a lot and they help me a lot with things like my homework. I am also grateful for my sister who plays video games with me. I am thankful for having a warm house because some do not have homes. ~ Kyle deRonnebeck, 7th grade

Dear Ovando Community, I love living here and that's because of all of you. I cherish the merry spirits we share. We all come together in times of need. Ovando Community, I am grateful, thankful and filled with gratitude to live here. Even if the world is not too merry this season, make someone's day. Tis the season to be Jolly! ~ Sawyer Hessler, 6th grade

I am thankful for my mom and dad. One reason is some kids don't have the best parents but I do. Another reason is some kids don't have good food. The third reason is some kids don't have amazing families but I am thankful that I do. I am thankful for my Dog. One reason because I love her and she is cute. ~ Loryn Neudecker, 2nd grade

Dear Mom & Dad, I'm grateful for having you two in my life! Because you are kind, caring, and loving. In my opinion, you are the best people in the world. So thank you for bringing me into this world! ~ Love, Emma McNally, 6th grade

What I'm Thankful For! One of my most important things I cherish is my family! My family takes care of me and loves me. If I didn't have a family I would be hopeless! If I didn't have a family who would I love, who would I care for in need, who would love me till I die? Family means a lot to me, I feel bad for people or animals left on the streets. My family is all I need to keep me living. ~ Abby deRonnebeck, 7th grade

Dear Ovando Community, Thank you for giving me the most beautiful town anyone could ever live in. I am so thankful for how you helped me learn, read and write. I would be almost helpless without you. You helped me through even the hardest times. So I just wanted to thank you for that. ~ Matilda Hessler, 3rd grade

I am thankful for my school. The first thing I love about my school is we get to have P.E. The next reason is we get to have recess. Last, I am thankful for school because I like my friends. ~ Silas Hessler, 1st grade

Dear Thanksgiving, what I am grateful for is a great family and community because I love my family. They are amazing and a great community. I am deeply appreciative for a great school and friends, also. They are the best. I am very grateful for amazing teachers because I would not be as caught up as I am right now because of Ms. V and Ms. T. They are amazing. I am deeply grateful for everyone. That is what I am grateful for. ~ Land Neudecker, 4th grade


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