Fielder's Response: The experience and skills I bring to PSC District 4

Have you noticed the political foes who spread rhetoric accusing me of supposedly horrible things never provide any evidence? If I had actually advocated the outlandish things they claim, where is the quote?

Afterall, I’ve made hundreds of social media posts, written dozens of op-eds, given presentations all over the country (which are video recorded and posted on the internet), given dozens of media interviews, spoken on the record during legislative hearings at least 1,000 times and released thousands of requested emails.

If I had said anything close to what the opposition claims, why don’t they prove it? Let’s take their biggest lie: Public Lands. What I have done is this:

As a freshman State Senator in 2013, I introduced legislation to study problems with federal lands and identify possible solutions. In true bi-partisan fashion, 84% of the legislature voted in favor of my bill. The legislative study found:

• 96% of the counties surveyed reported that fuel loads on federal lands could result in SEVERE, UNCONTROLLABLE OR CATASTROPHIC WILDFIRES.

• 96% said MOTORIZED ACCESS IS VERY IMPORTANT for sustenance activities such as gathering wood, picking berries, harvesting wildgame, etc;

• Only 19% reported an ADEQUATE SUPPLY OF MOTORIZED ROADS on federal lands within their county to accommodate emergency ingress/egress, facility maintenance, public access, and resource management;

• 88% said special interests have a SIGNIFICANT INFLUENCE on the ability of federal agencies to develop and implement effective land and resource management plans.

Another legislative study found that 22,000 miles of access roads on federal lands in Montana had been closed between 1996 and 2016. That is a road closure rate of more than 1,000 miles per year!

The special interest groups who repeatedly block timber sales and push for road closures were not happy that these problems – and their role in them – were being exposed. They have come after me hard ever since. But I have never backed away from the truth, ever. In fact, I became a national spokesperson in favor of better access, health and productivity on our public lands.

Clear audio and video evidence addressing several of my opposition’s baseless claims is posted at

Due to term limits, my final term in the Montana Senate concludes at the end of 2020. Western Montana’s seat on the Public Service Commission is also opening up due to term limits. I was asked to fill it because we need a bold, objective leader who isn’t afraid to stand up to special interests or tackle big challenges.

My eight years as a no-nonsense lawmaker compliment two decades of professional experience related to PSC industries – including railways, pipelines, electric generation, telecommunications, public works and federal energy regulatory proceedings. Additionally, I’ve managed complex legal and multi-million dollar financial portfolios, rounding out a real-world skill set right for the PSC.

On the PSC I will fight for reliable low-cost energy, safe communities, a healthy environment, and a strong economy. If you share these goals, please vote for me and help me win!

Senator Jennifer Fielder, Candidate for Montana Public Service Commission, District 4

Thompson Falls, Montana


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