Mary prophesied, "...all generations shall call me blessed..." Luke 1:46-49

While Catholics worship God only, we are devoted to the Blessed Virgin Mary. Why?

• We honor Mary (and the saints) because they modeled virtuous, holy lives. 

• “The knot of Eve’s disobedience was loosed by the obedience of Mary. What the virgin Eve had bound in unbelief, the Virgin Mary loosed through faith” –Saint Irenaeus (~125-202).

• Jesus comes to us through Mary’s obedience and faith. 

• Because Mary humbly said ‘Yes’ to the Father when told she will conceive by the Holy Spirit and bear the Son of God, Jesus never denies His Mother any request.

• So as we ask a faithful friend, we pray to (fervently ask) Mary to intercede for us with Jesus who is our Mediator with the Father. 

• Jesus comes to us…

…through Mary’s greeting that dispensed His grace from her womb, filling Elizabeth and the unborn John the Baptist with the Holy Spirit; 

…through Mary’s birth to Him, see Luke 1-2;

…through Mary’s intercession with Him at the Wedding of Cana…

Filled with grace, faith and charity, Mary said, “They have no wine” (signifying they have no belief in Jesus). Then Mary spoke her last scriptural words to the servers (and to us), “Do whatever He tells you.”

Accordingly, Jesus revealed His glory by performing His first public miracle: 

He changed water into “good wine,” prefiguring Himself changing wine into His Blood at the Passover, hence at the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass of His Holy Catholic Church. He foreshadowed fulfillment (not abolishment) of the Law (water) through the Gospel, the Word made flesh, Jesus (“good wine”), see Matthew 5:17-20; 26:26-30, “…and his disciples began to believe in him” (John 2:1-12). 

• Through every deed and truth from Mary, Jesus comes to us. 

• Jesus unveils His glory by His responses to Mary’s intercessions. 

• God’s Commandment states: “Honor your father and your mother.” Jesus said to Apostle John (and to us) at the foot of the cross, “Behold your Mother” (John 19:25-27) to honor as your spiritual Mother. 

• Honor given to Mary never takes away any glory owed to her Son as her “soul doth magnify the Lord” (Luke 1:46-56).

• The Blessed Virgin Mary has visited unassuming people throughout the centuries, e.g., at Fatima, Portugal in 1917 where 70,000+ observed the most supernatural events witnessed by humankind since the parting of the Red Sea. Her message for peace and conversions is for everyone to pray the Rosary every day (a powerful ‘weapon’ with the force of Almighty God, guiding the Life of Christ into prayerful meditation…; only vain repetitious prayer is wrong, see Psalm 136; Mark 14:39; Revelation 4:8). 

It is wise to obey commands from the heavenly throne where the Mother of God lives with the Holy Trinity: God her Father, God her Son, Jesus, and God her Spouse the Holy Spirit.

We can change our lives and the world by prayerfully meditating on the Life of Christ through the Rosary of the Blessed Virgin Mary: “the ‘weapon’ for these times” –Saint (Padre) Pio (1887-1968). Research Rosary miracles.


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