New SLE superintendent and skate park proposal at next council meeting

SEELEY LAKE - The next meeting of the Seeley Lake Community Council will be on Monday, Sept. 14 via Zoom. Instructions for sign-on are at the end of this release.

The first speaker will be Jennie Dixon, planner with the Missoula County Community and Planning Services. She will talk about a zoning code update that applies to the “urban fringe,” but not to Seeley Lake.

She will be followed by Walker McDonald, a senior at the High School who is spearheading a project to build a skate park in Seeley Lake, similar to the one in Lincoln. For detailed information see an earlier Seeley Swan Pathfinder article at

 Next will be Josh Gibbs, the new Superintendent of Seeley Lake Elementary School, who will share his vision for the school.

Finally, a regular guest at the Council Seeley Lake District Ranger Quinn Carver will give an update on U.S. Forest Service activities.

Like always, there will be an opportunity for public comments on non-agenda items.

The meeting will begin at 6 p.m. (Sorry, no pizza!) Participants are encouraged to connect by 5:50 p.m.

Here are the details for the Zoom meeting: When you click on the link above, Zoom should automatically install on your device if you don’t already have it.

Meeting ID: 851 3668 8620, Passcode: 2525

Or you can dial-in by phone for audio only: 253-215-8782

For further information please contact Klaus von Stutterheim, SLCC Chair, at 406-210-8576 or


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