Be exemplary, be safe with DIY masks

You Matter

News update: We now know that masks are protecting and are necessary.

But how do we start this practice, make it fun and easy (do-it-yourself) so it does not take medical masks from our treasured providers?

YouTube is full of fun ideas on making a safe mask with the right materials. I will share the one I use. Needed, one t-shirt and paper towel.

By cutting the bottom of the t-shirt off five inches from the bottom you now have two layers of t-shirt. Put one paper towel in the middle of these two layers and cover your face and secure in the back with a tie. The paper towel is thrown out after each outing, and the mask completely washed after every outing.

Let's be creative and have fun!!

At first you may feel you are the only one wearing a mask but you will be the exemplary. Taking care of each other is what this is all about.

Also check out Dr. Vanwingen on YouTube for safe shopping practices.


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