Make the choice to return home

If you are a pet owner, one of the simple joys in life is experiencing the pure excitement our pets have when we arrive home. You might have a dog that's so excited you can't even touch her for 45 seconds because she will pee on the spot. Perhaps you have a cute calico cat that jumps on the back of the sofa waiting to head-butt your nose as he greets you with a gentle purr. It might be after a long day of work or a simple 45 second walk across the yard to grab the mail, our pets love when we simply come home.

Some of my favorite tear inducing videos to watch are when a dog gets surprised by a soldier who just got home after a yearlong deployment. It will melt your heart. Grab a tissue and watch a few videos, you'll understand pure happiness and love.

Now have you ever thought what your pet would feel if you never ever come home again? What if the last time you arrived home was the very last time they ever felt your love and shared in your mutual excitement that you are together? What if they never get another chance to feel you rub their belly or scratch their ear? How sad would your dog be? Where would your cuddly cat sleep that first night by itself? What would be going through their thoughts? Their hearts?

Sorry of the buzz kill, but I want you to really take a moment and reflect on this. Why, because every time you choose to not wear your seatbelt, you increase the chance that your lovable little fur baby sleeps alone. Frightened, worried, scared and confused as to why you never came back.

Every time you choose to either ride with someone who maybe had just one too many drinks or you yourself say in your head, "I may be over the limit but I'm fine." You are increasing the chances that your pet will never know what happened and they won't know why you never came home.

Sad? Yes, but you have a choice. A choice to drastically reduce the chances your pet will ever experience life without you.

If you are a pet owner like many of us are, you would likely agree, we would do anything for our pets. So, on behalf of your lovable pets, please buckle up, every time, every trip and please never drink and drive.

Now go snuggle your fur baby and let them know you will always be there for them. They would love that.


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