Abortion is murder plain and simple

Of all the subjects being discussed today, the one most polarizing is abortion. As a Christian I believe all abortions are an affront to God. This is clearly spelled out in the Scriptures. Genesis 1:27 states, “So God created man in his own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them. Psalm 139:13 states, “For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother’s womb.” Jesus stated in Luke 20:25 for us to “Render therefore unto Caesar the things which be Caesar’s, and unto God the things which be God’s.” This makes it perfectly clear that government has boundaries and should not venture on God turf. With the Roe versus Wade decision, the government strongly invaded God’s realm.

This was true when the Supreme Court issued a ruling in 1972 as a result of Roe versus Wade. Their ruling established the legality of abortion as a woman’s right. This ruling has caused more disagreements than any ruling in recent history.

To make matters worse there is a current discussion in the United States about legalizing infanticide, the killing of babies outside the womb. New York has already passed such a law and it is under consideration in other states. Where does it stop?

Two recent movies have tried to educate the public on the horrors of abortion, “Gosnell” and “Unplanned.” In the movie “Gosnell” the doctor was convicted on the very actions that some states are now making legal, the killing of babies after birth. (His procedure was to “snip” their necks with a pair of scissors if the baby survived the abortion.) The movie “Unplanned” is the true story of a Planned Parenthood of America director named Abby Johnson. She is horrified by the actual abortion procedure and decides to leave her job immediately.

Also weighing heavily on her was the PPA direction to double the number of abortions at her clinic making it abundantly clear that abortion is their main objective and source of income. This is essentially what Abby Johnson saw in the abortion of a 13 week gestation baby, although procedures can vary somewhat: the physician inserted forceps and a suction device into the womb and methodically dismembered and sucked out the baby leaving the womb empty.

As a Christian I believe in the sanctity of life and that every birth is not only a physical event but also a spiritual one. Abortion should never be an option as there are many organizations that assist with adoption. Sparrow’s Vine, an organization in Seeley Lake, will assist with pregnancy identification, parenting skills and adoption referral. Their number is 677-1900.

If you have had an abortion please realize that Jesus Christ, the Son of God and Savior of the world, will forgive you if only you accept Him as your Savior, confess your sins and ask Him for forgiveness.

A quote attributed to Mother Theresa is “A nation that kills their young in the womb has lost its soul”. May God help us find our way back to His Grace.


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