One Sabbath: Celebrating life, hope and reasons to live

SEELEY LAKE - Mountain Lakes Presbyterian Church will be participating in the National Weekend of Prayer for Faith, Hope, & Life (Sept. 7-9, 2018). The entire community is invited to join the congregation during their Sunday service, Sept. 9 at 10:30 a.m. to offer prayer with and for those who struggle with mental health conditions, to be present with those who have been impacted by a completed suicide and to celebrate the gift of life - including the gift of life in this community.

According to Sunday's bulletin, "Faith.Hope.Life. is a reminder that God loves you and knows your struggles and failures, as well as your joys and triumphs. Even when you walk through the valleys of the shadows, God is with you. In the times when it feels like God is far away or doesn't hear our prayers, God gives us people who can help-friends, loved ones, co-workers, others in your faith community, your faith leaders, and clinical professionals such as counselors, therapists and doctors. They can be God's heart and God's listening ear when we feel most troubled or alone."

If you, or someone you know has lost hope, is feeling completely alone, or that life doesn't matter, reach out for help. Let others help. This is especially important if there are thoughts of suicide or wanting to die.

Mountain Lakes Presbyterian Church Pastor Carrie Benton learned about this event from her seminary friend Robin.

"Ten years ago her young adult son completed suicide. It was absolutely devastating for Robin and the whole family - changing their lives forever," wrote Benton in an email. "After much healing work, Robin has dedicated her life to raising awareness about suicide and mental health needs."

Robin joined the Faith Communities Task Force of the Action Alliance for Suicide Prevention. This is the organization behind this event that recognizes World Suicide Prevention Day Sept. 10.

"Our community has been impacted by suicide - we all know it, yet there is such a silence about it," wrote Benton. "Consequently, those who suffer directly from it - family members, or those with depression and other mental health conditions - often suffer in silence."

Everyone is invited to join the conversation and prayer time on Sunday. Mountain Lakes Presbyterian Church is located at 3292 Highway 83. For more information about the National Weekend of Prayer for Faith, Hope & Life visit


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