Poor Trail and Road Conditions in Swan

SWAN VALLEY - The Flathead National Forest crews are getting out and about to check trails and start clearing. Heavy blowdown and washed out segments of trails and roads are the main obstacles, putting crews about three weeks behind their normal schedule. Heavy snowfall remains on roadbeds at higher elevations.


• Trail #80, East Side Trail – The trail leading down to the ford at Mid Creek was washed out due to high water. Temporary patch is in place, use caution when travelling with stock. This segment of trail is accessed via the Meadow Creek Trailhead on the Spotted Bear Ranger District.

• Trail #126, Danaher Creek Trail – The trail is washed out approximately 0.5 mile North of Rapid Creek. It is currently not passable for stock. This trail segment is most easily accessed via the North Fork of the Blackfoot Trailhead on the Seeley Lake Ranger District.

• Trail #141, Hahn Creek Trail – Major blowdown on the trail in upper Jenny Creek. Trail is not passable to stock. Trail is accessed from the Lodgepole Trailhead on the Seeley Lake Ranger District.


• Barber Creek Road #905 has been temporarily closed at milepost 2.8 due to a slump in the road; there is more damage further up the road. Repairs will be made as soon as possible.

• Glacier Road #561 has tunneled deep channels near the parking lot.

• Lindbergh Road to Crystal Lake (North) has impassable blowdown.

• Trail #490 (Lindbergh Lake) reports to have heavy blowdown

• The report on Swan/Mission Trails is heavy blowdown.


• Forest System Rd. #896 near milepost 0.2 is currently closed to motorized use. Roadbed has slumped away making access impassible. This road accesses a small dispersed campsite on Hungry Horse Creek.

Please contact the perspective district in your area for more information on trail and road status: Hungry Horse-Glacier View Ranger District - (406) 387-3800; Spotted Bear Ranger District - (406) 758-5376; Swan Lake Ranger District - (406) 837-7500 and Tally Lake Ranger District – (406) 758-5204


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