Judge Anderson to Address Council Next Monday

SEELEY LAKE - Marie Anderson, who is running for Justice of the Peace Department #1 as an incumbent against Alex Beal, will give a brief campaign speech at the next Seeley Lake Community Council meeting and answer questions from the audience. Ms. Anderson had to miss the Candidates Forum last month because of a lengthy court case.

 The meeting will begin with the election of officers. The Council welcomes two new members in May, Bruce Friede and Klaus von Stutterheim. The latter has served before but had to resign last year because of illness. Their election was uncontested.

Jan Guelff and Chris Stout are retiring from the Council following many years of service. The Council will miss their creative input and camaraderie and is grateful for their contributions to the community and the Council.

 Ron Cox will present the Trails Committee budget for the Council’s approval.

 Like always, there will be an opportunity for public comments on non-agenda items.

 The informal part of the meeting will start at 5:30 p.m. next Monday, May 14 at the Seeley Lake Historic Museum and Visitor’s Center, 2920 Highway 83, with pizza and sodas. The formal meeting will begin at 6 p.m.

For further information please contact Stutterheim, SLCC Press Contact, at 406-210-8576 or kvs@kvs.org.


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