Vote for Josh Slotnick June 5

MISSOULA - We are writing to support Josh Slotnick’s bid for County Commissioner. Thirty-five years ago, we were transplants to Montana. We came initially for the reasons many do: easy access to unadulterated wilderness and the beauty of incredible landscapes.

 Over time, however, we’ve come to value other less immediately obvious things: the exceptional ingenuity and entrepreneurship of people who want to choose their own way of living rather than follow the mainstream; the care for community and concern about thoughtful development.

Josh embodies all these things -- ingenuity, entrepreneurship and genuine caring. We have known Josh and his family for almost 20 years and served with Josh on a hiring committee when our kids’ school was looking for a new director. Josh was unafraid to ask challenging questions, which he did with great tact and he truly listened and thought about what would be best for the community, not just himself. He will bring to the job of County Commissioner decades of experience working with people as an environmental educator as well as his practical, problem-solving skills learned from a career as a hands-on farmer, plus his exceptional empathy for others.

Please vote for Josh Slotnick in the primary on June 5.


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