1,000 People in Our Seat

Sunshine Week - Editors' Note

SEELEY LAKE – We take our seat and flip on our recorder. Often the only "public" in the room, we represent more than 1,000 readers. Many of the local boards welcome us because our articles provides the public information about what they are doing while others would rather conduct their business without the publicity. But it's not about publicity, it's about sunshine.

The week of March 11-17 is the 17th annual Sunshine Week. News outlets nationwide will promote the idea that democracy works only when government discussions and decisions are made in the open or "in the sunshine."

Transparency me...


Reader Comments(2)

moondance writes:

Well written piece and appreciated. Having served on boards I have seen the temptation to be secretive and avoid transparency. But in the end, transparency is always better for all involved, including the board members. I'm pleased that most boards in this area are quite open and forthcoming. Only a very few bad apples.

Grateful writes:

Excellent point! Thanks for all the hard work!

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