Last Time for the Sewer

SEELEY LAKE - This is my third and last missive on the sewer project.

At his point the entire cost to us has not been clearly set out. And something was just told to me that makes it even worse. Apparently the third phase of the project has no water piped in from our system. That means when the sewer goes in there will also be the substantial added cost of a water system that has not even been discussed. Why hasn’t this been brought up? The whole project has been full of half-truths and smoke and mirrors as to the cost.

We voted against the sewer and it amazes me how a small group can dictate to the majority and go against our wishes. It has been established that the sewer will not do anything to clean up our lake. It is simply a means for us taxpayers to subsidize developers and growth. We did vote against it so now there’s a sort of referendum where if you don’t want the sewer you must send in a letter of protest. The kicker is that those who don’t want it and don’t send in the letter their number will automatically be counted FOR the project. That’s some end run, huh?

This opens another can of worms that all should be considering. There is a relatively small segment of the economy that profits greatly from growth. It includes media, telephone companies (particularly yellow page ads), developers and politicians. There are also temporary construction jobs. After all is said and done the inhabitants are left with more traffic and congestion not to mention more crime and higher taxes. If the population doubles, crime goes up by a factor of four. Suffice to say our quality of life suffers.

I honestly believe the people who are pushing this either don’t live here or just don’t realize what they’re asking for. A few will have more business, likely not enough to change their lives dramatically. Perhaps they’ll have a little larger house and maybe take an extra vacation now and then. But they still have to return home and deal with the monster they have created.

Don Larson has made up a letter which is available to anyone who wishes to protest the sewer. If you’d like a copy of the letter please contact Troy Spence at 677-4027. He will make sure you get a copy to sign and send in. I urge those who are against the higher fees and taxes and all that goes along with a policy like this to send in a protest letter. It’s really our last hope to stop it.


E. L. Taylor

Seeley Lake, Mont.


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