Support the Sewer for the Future of the Lake and All Those Who Depend on It

SEELEY LAKE - I guess the word “deplorable” could be used to describe me. As with any definition comes a perception of how that word is applied. Concern for the environment and caring for nature are not usually associated with today’s’ definition of that word! But in reality, that couldn’t be farther from the truth.

I have been utilizing the recreational opportunities of the Seeley Lake area for more than 50 years and I am acutely aware of how the water quality has been affected by the lifestyles and growth of the Seeley Lake population. From camping at Seeley Lake campground to marrying into a cabin on the lake, I have witnessed the degradation of water quality over the years. We now have a filter system on our water line at the cabin to help combat the pollutants we are now finding in the water. Many of our lake neighbors are still using outhouses and drain fields that leach directly to the lake. For many years we worked with Missoula County to find a viable alternative for our own property to no avail.

But now we have a chance to make a difference. We have a chance to take advantage of a sizeable federal grant that, combined with our own monies, starts making a difference in water quality not only at Seeley Lake but all the way down the chain of lakes and into the Blackfoot River.

Will the sewer system solve all the problems? No, but all journeys begin with a single step and this is a chance for us to take that first step.

I look forward to the day when we can say we were responsible for getting a start on keeping our lake and watershed healthy for our children and grandchildren.

Will there be a personal expense; yes, but it is small in comparison to installing or replacing a complete septic system. I hope that everyone understands that support for the sewer system is a responsibility appointed to us as users of the watershed.

Please support this project for the future of our lake and for all those that make their living, recreate and live in the valley.


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