Swan Valley Elementary Secretary Retires After Decades of Service

SWAN VALLEY – One of Swan Valley Elementary's longest serving employees will be leaving at the end of the summer. Karen Anderson will be retiring after serving as the school's secretary and business manager for 33 years.

"It's kind of bittersweet," said Anderson. "I've had a lot invested in this school."

Anderson attended SVE herself but never thought she would return to work in the same schoolhouse.

"My mom will call and ask, 'Aren't you out of school yet?'" Anderson said with a laugh.

Before she started working at SVE, Anderson worked at Swan River Forest Camp managing the budget and payrolls. When the job at the school opened up she jumped on it, deciding it would be nice to return and be able to spend more time with her family.

When Anderson started working, she worked as the clerk part time. She recalls doing the bookkeeping all on paper before the system was computerized.

After more than three decades at the school, Anderson has seen multiple generations of the same families pass through the halls of SVE.

"It's been great, kids start kindergarten and being able to say 'I remember your mom or dad,'" said Anderson. "I really like when they come back to the school and pop in to say hi."

SVE is contracting with Seeley Lake Elementary for the clerk position and will be looking to hire a new secretary in the near future.

Even though Anderson will no longer be seated in the office to watch over the goings on at SVE, the Condon resident is certain she will be back every so often.

"I've had a lot invested in this school," said Anderson. "But, I'm going to enjoy not having to get reports done and worry about budgets."


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