Swan Valley Student Santa Letters

Dear Santa,

How are Your reindeer and your elves and you and Mrs. Clause? I want a computer, big stuffed animals and remote control truck.

From Camden, Kindergarten

Dear Santa,

How are the presents coming the reindeer coming. Kan I plese hav a Bal.

From, Ethan, Kindergarten

Dear Santa,

How are your reindeer doing. will you please bring me a Hatch-amal and a tramplen, please and an American Doll ples.

From, Bryar, Grade 1

Dear Santa,

Merry Christmas! Did you get a new elf? May I have Lego Batman 2 please. May I have pizza to.

Love, Levi, Grade 1

Dear Santa,

How are the elves doing? good on the wrke. Are the elves cold. I want a bath robe and a bow and arrow

From, Nikylie, Grade 1

Dear Santa,

Are the reindeer doing good? For Christmas I want an Army Base toy set a comic book and a puppy.

From, Noah, Grade 1

Dear Santa,

How are your reindeer doing. will you please bring me a present, an American Doll and a puppy.


Laciey, Grade 2

Dear Santa,

Are your elves doing good? May I have a lego destiny and a lego Terraira and a computer computer Terraira disk for the computer.

Your friend, Tyler, Grade 2

Dear Santa Claus

PLEASE can I have some pups or a kitten. OW can I have a M.P. three player or a new kindle fire. Can I please can I have a for real doll.

Sencery, Darby, Grade 3

Dear Santa,

Please may I have any kind of game. Otherwise I'll if you can't get a game. May I have a fun game though.

Sincely, Lillian, Grade 3

Dear Santa,

I want for Christmas please...an eore toy [stuffed], Ragedy Ann doll, monster high doll, sled, big horse set with trailer, horses, stable, people, satles, blankets, riding clothes and that's it for the horse set.

Sinciraly, Olivia, Grade 3

Dear Santa,

This Christmas I want a surprise. I have no clue what to ask for. You will know what I should have. I love art and music. This may take some thinking, but I know you'll find something. I'm not picky. Whatever you choose I bet I'll love it. Thank you and Merry Christmas!

Sincerely, Aubrey, Grade 4

Dear Santa Claus,

I want for Christmas 5 or 4 plushies, a tablet (kindle Fire), another female german shepard puppy (real + alive), New Christmas Dress, Sketching Foxy and mangle book, Dragon Robot (walk and more), new gel markers and gel pens, expo markers and neon expo markers, blue water bottle, more funkos of fnaf, candy Canes, Fnaf posters and a very own of My SPY Kit!

Please I've always wanted these stuff my parents never got me a lot of these things. This is my biggest thing I've ever wanted. I really want another female you know.

Sincerily, Angela, Grade 4

Dear Sata,

I want for Xmas is a Gameboy with Pokemon on it. A pupy to play with my cat. I would like a Lego set any kind. Oh and I would like the new skyladers. Oh and some books of pupys and cats. Some new videogames and snow stuff please.

From Danté, Grade 4

Dear Grameracer,

What I'd like for Chrismas is a crystal, glass fish. And don't forget a stuffed animal...BUNNY! and a gummy maker. I don't whant mutch.

Sincerely, Rilyn, Grade 4

Dear Santa,

The first thing I want for cristmis is a Lego set ice breacer. The second things is a Beeman Kodiak BB gun. The third thing I would like is a remot recontrul submiren.

Sincerely, Tate, Grade 4

Dear Santa Cauls

I was good year. Please will you get me two toy airpanes, a root, alam clock, a toy air carrier and a socks. Most of all I want a DOG. Please will you get this for me, thank you.

Senserly, Jalen your helper, Grade 5

Dear Susen,

What I want for Crismas is a pupey becase thar so cute. also I want is the aosome hit tertle game. And last one is a basketball.

Matthew, Grade 5

Dear grandma and grampa

Wat I reely whant for crimes is a horse stabul with people and trucks pasters and hors trailers and also I want briers. grandma can you get me more taxtos. granpa can you get me monster hie doles pleace.

Grandma and granpa, what I reely whant I my howe life is a big hores set with lot of people hores pens, truck and hors trailers. Grandma and grampa if you can get me a lot of dress and scrts with maching shirts.

Sursily Nakira, Grade 5


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