Please Pause for Pets and People

So all you wonderful people out there who help us so much by bringing baked goods, here we go again on Oct. 21, 11 a.m. - 2 p.m., at Cory’s Valley Market. The Ed Jackson Fund is running low as we have helped many people with their dogs and cats.

And Paws Up of Potomac can always use funds because there is two feedings a day. Oct. 22 is opening day of hunting and Halloween is coming so a few little packages would work for a few.

Brenda, you have your assignment as does Lynn F. We hope for some new people to help us. For the men, if you don’t want to bake, show up and buy and we do have a donation can available. Remember, if we all help each other, we help the pets!

Speaking of pets, winter is coming. Make sure your animals have a safe warm place with food, water and love.

 A big thank you to Tanya Fife our former vet who left due to people not paying their vet bills. She gave shots to all of the Potomac Paws Up shelter dogs. She also had a jewelry show showing her Chloe and Isabel jewelry and was able to donate $800.00 more to the Paws Up Animal Shelter. Great job Tanya and so appreciated!!

Remember people, we have great dogs waiting for love and care. As Anatole France once wrote, “Until one has loved an animal, a part of one’s soul remains unawakened.”

 Deep sympathy to Cheryl Gehrke on the loss of her two little Boston bulldogs just a few months apart. Thankfully we have people like Cheryl who love her pets so much, but oh, the pain of losing them. When you have two who are so close and one goes to The Rainbow Bridge, the other grieves as much as we do.

Thank you Cheryl for all of the toys and bed, they will go to a little dog waiting to have the love your little dogs did. Many of us know your sorrow and now they’re together well and playing at The Rainbow Bridge.

 Congratulations to all of our 4H young men and ladies, what a great job! People, 4-H is so worth the effort. Please urge your people to join and work with them. It would be so inspiring for all. The leaders are awesome and work so hard to help all of the boys and girls.

 To the Teague Family, what a  wonderful  tribute, the beautiful steer, the generous donation of the money to help other 4-H young people. Marks legacy will always be remembered and if it helps, know Mark and God were watching and smiling.

 And then what is the story of children running down and up Riverview Drive at 3 and 4 a.m. in the morning, come on, why not a baby sitter? And we still have dogs in a pack running on Riverview Drive.

People, you are responsible for your kids and dogs. Do we need a deputy for just Riverview Drive???

What is this about children with pellet guns killing little rabbits? If your child has a pellet gun and doing things like that, you had better shape that child up or it will lead to worse things. Where is the responsibility????

 Blessings to all and help each other and be kind to animals.


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