Lemmings or Not!

I often wonder how many times are people asked, prior to an election, "Are you a Republican or a Democrat?" We as a Nation have become so indifferent to the future of our great country that we need only to identify with an animal foreign to our shores or a jackass. This Great Nation and those that sacrificed so much to create and maintain it deserve better. If you vote for someone solely because they are a woman, a minority, an incumbent, a Republican or a Democrat, you do a great disservice to our founding fathers and those that sacrificed their lives for you and me.

"We have given you a Democracy if you can keep it." We fought one of the most powerful nations in the world to get that Democracy, fought a devastating civil war to right a WORLDWIDE horror that never should have existed, fought two world wars to stop genocidal maniacs from imposing their insane ideology on all other weaker people and we want to select who will lead us into the future based on the afore mentioned superficial characteristics.

Here is an idea. Why not use our God given, evolutionized or whatever you wish to believe in, talents to think for ourselves and decide who will be the best to continue our ability to raise not only our standard of living but also that of the rest of the world.

I realize that in the case of the current Presidential candidates, the choice is limited as to who will do the least harm but chose we must. Do not shirk the primary responsibility that is necessary for the continuation of the most charitable Country in the world.



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