Hands for Life Makes Chiropractic Care Affordable

SEELEY LAKE - Finances are no longer a barrier to chiropractic care in the Clearwater, Blackfoot and Swan Valleys. Seeley Lake chiropractor Lance Bohlman started a local chapter of Hands for Life. The purpose is to serve the part of the community that is either not insured, underinsured for chiropractic care, or can't afford regular priced services. Bohlman also provides food and water to those who need it.

Bohlman spent his first 15 years in chiropractic practice in Reno, Nev. He relocated to Seeley Lake and opened an office in November 2011. After he heard about the Hands for Life program, he officially opened a local chapter June 1.

"After being here for five years, I'm tired of people being pushed away because they can't afford it," said Bohlman. "Now with the nonprofit in place, there is affordable care."

Under the nonprofit, Bohlman has also extended his services to athletes. This spring, he has worked with students at track meets, giving them care at no cost.

Hands for Life is a national nonprofit founded by two chiropractors in San Diego, Calif., Doctors Ron and Mary Oberstein. The goal of the organization as stated on their website is, "to make sure every man, woman and child have a high functioning nerve system, enough food and water for great nutrition, and an education so they can read, write, and have the basic skills so they can thrive and thus make a better contribution to the world."

In keeping with the program's mission to also provide food and water, Bohlman will bring food and water to his patients or others in the community that are in need.

Hands for Life is also part of a government loan forgiveness program. After Bohlman offers the service through the nonprofit for 10 years, his student loans are forgiven.

"It's a win, win all around," said Bohlman. "I'm providing care for part of the community that can't afford chiropractic care which is really nice to give. And with the amount of loans I have, and three girls going to college, it's too much for a single father to handle. This is an opportunity to take that loan off my plate and focus my finances on helping put my daughters through college."

Bohlman will accept $20 per visit but expects nothing for those without insurance or the ability to pay. His rates have not changed for those with insurance and/or who can afford his regular rates.

For more information about Hands for Life Seeley Lake chapter visit http://www.handsforlifesl.org or call Bohlman at Bohlman Chiropractic 406-677-3617.


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