Let Them Live

Junior Journal

Series: Junior Journal | Story 13

To this day, thousands of babies are in a "live or die" situation, in which their mothers decide whether or not to keep them or to terminate them without even knowing them. If you were a woman and you were to get pregnant, would you keep the baby? Give him or her up for adoption? Or abort?

The Pro-Life group argues that even though the baby is in the mother's body and she has rights, the baby does as well. The Pro-Choice side argues that since the baby is living in the mother's body, she has the right to abort the baby, because it is her body and she is to do whatever she chooses.

I believe that if a woman thinks she is responsible enough to have sex, knowing what could happen, then she should be responsible enough to handle the matter. I also believe that if a woman gets raped, it's not right to abort the baby, because it is not the baby's fault and the woman could give it up for adoption. There are men and women out there all around the world who would love to have kids and aren't able to and one of their options is adopting.

Some people believe that abortion should be all about choice and act like the unborn child isn't even a person. Were you not a person before you were born?

If scientists nowadays believe that an organism can be alive at a single cellular level, then why is a baby boy or girl not a living being when he or she has grown to become multiple cells, before the woman even knows she is pregnant?

People need to stop looking at the problem of abortion so technically and look at it on a moral scale. Abortion is literally killing people, and not just people, but small, undeveloped children.

"If abortion is about women's rights, then what were mine?" says Gianna Jessen in an article from Julie Roys' website http://julieroys.com/gianna-jessen-asks-congress-if-abortion-is-about-womens-rights-then-what-were-mine.

Jessen tells her story. Her biological mother was seven and a half months pregnant; this is the third trimester, where the baby is hearing fully, changes position frequently and can respond to stimuli, including sound, pain and light. The late term saline abortion method her mother was given usually burns the baby inside and out, blinding and suffocating the baby, so that the baby will be born dead within 24 hours of the process. But, Jessen was born ALIVE on April 6, 1977.

Instead of being suffocated or left to die, a nurse called an ambulance and rushed her to the hospital. She was not expected to live but she did. According to Jessen, she was diagnosed with cerebral palsy caused by lack of oxygen to the brain after surviving the abortion. She was not expected to hold her head up or walk, but she did.

"Do not tell me these are not children. A heartbeat proves that. So does 4-D ultrasound. So do I..." Jessen states.

Why do women have abortions?

According to the website AbortionNo's "AbortionFacts" and the Guttmacher Institute (http://www.abortionno.org/abortion-facts) one percent of abortions in the United States happen because of rape or incest; six percent of abortions because of health problems with either the mother or the child; and 93 percent of abortions for social reasons, that is, the child is unwanted or inconvenient.

Women who get pregnant have to make a decision on whether to keep the baby or not. Some don't want to keep babies because they don't have jobs or an income to support their child. Some want to experience life and not have the responsibilities of being a parent.

I was told once by a woman who was pregnant that if she kept the baby she would be pregnant during her twenty-first birthday and wasn't going to be able to "drink." She had many others reasons, such as financial problems, and if her boyfriend would stay with her, and how she could never tell her parents or anyone for that matter because they would look down on her.

Just in the United States, there are approximately 1.06 million abortions a year (http://www.abortionno.org/abortion-facts). In many circumstances, the man or woman doesn't want to stay with the partner at the team level resulting in one of the parents having to raise the child on their own, which can make for a challenging parenting environment.

Abortion should not be allowed. If the pregnancy is from force, like rape, then there are other arrangements that can be made to ensure that if the woman doesn't want the baby that it goes to a home where the family would love him or her. There are also ways to keep from getting pregnant and that is birth control.

The nearest Planned Parenthood organization or even a personal doctor could help the woman to prevent pregnancy. Each woman is the only one who can make that choice. A baby is a person, no matter how small, and has moral rights once he or she is inside the woman. The baby should have a chance to live and make a name for himself or herself regardless of the situation that brought him or her into the world.


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