A Hopeful Picture of Marriage

This past month our family traveled back to Washington to celebrate my parents’ 50th wedding anniversary. We had a wonderful visit with my parents, along with my brother and family traveling from Florida.

The occasion of 50 years of marriage together was truly a time of celebration and thanksgiving. As my parents looked back over their years together, they were full of gratitude for the years they have shared and all the blessings received.

Furthermore, all those who are close with my parents have experienced the example and demonstration of what genuine commitment looks like. When reflecting upon 50 years of faithful marriage, this is a visible affirmation of the hope of marriage.

A word of wisdom from the Bible tells us, “The man who finds a wife finds a treasure and he receives favor from the Lord.” (Proverbs 18:22)

The foundation of any marriage is commitment. Built on that foundation is constantly treasuring and loving each other. The Bible reminds us to view our spouse with the same devotion that we would to protecting and keeping a valuable treasure.

Scripture also points us to give thanks to the Lord for the gift of our husband or wife. Marriage is a wonderful expression of God’s goodness toward us…His favor.

In life it is important to seek wisdom from those around us who are an example. Those who have been married for a long time have the credibility to offer advice of what they have learned and what it takes to remain committed.

As you celebrate the anniversaries of friends and family, take the time to seek out what they have learned over the years.


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