Biscuit & Me

Made in America - Fuzzy Logic

This poem came about last year after my big wreck on Woodrow, who in the poem is called Biscuit. Waxes more poetic to me.

After I healed from my last wreck I brought ol' Biscuit out to the arena and saddled him up. All went perfectly well. As I mounted and threw my right leg over the ol' highback saddle, all strength left and it fell on his rump...which as you know is a signal to move ahead, which he did.

Before I could get my leg over he was at a walk, takin' my left leg with my foot in the stirrup by suprise. My left foot kick 'em in the side which of course means...we're burnin' daylight and off he too of course.

Now a'days I'm reduced to finding a stump or a chair to help get aboard. Woody isn't sway back in the least being only seven but I just hated to grow old alone. Hope you enjoy.

Biscuit & Me

There was a time

Not so long ago

I'd saddle ol' Biscuit,

Cinch 'er down and

Collar his brisket.

I could lift the


In one fluid motion and

Have it set before

He had a notion.

There was a time

Not so long ago

Our hips and legs

All worked as if new

And off we'd trot,

A headstrong crew.

We would ride twenty


Pullin' a string

Dismount at nite giddy

At havin' such a fling.

Biscuit there is a

Swayback now and me,

My joints don't work, yea

Biscuit and I have

Developed some quirks.

Oh we still saddle up,

Our hearts as strong

As any wolf pup,

I crawl that saddle into


With a grunt, and

Biscuit, full of Grace,

Helps me mount by

Searchin' out some

Hi cut stump.


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