Articles from the December 12, 2024 edition

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  • Big day of Christmas festivities

    Clara Kyrouac and Keely Larson|Dec 12, 2024

    On Dec. 7 downtown Seeley Lake was bustling with community members gathered for the Second Annual Seeley Lake Tree Lighting presented by the Lions Club. This year's Christmas tree included 1,000 lights that were paid for by the Lions Club and strung by Missoula Electric Cooperative. The theme of this year's lighting was Logger Santa. Logger Santa and Mrs. Claus were in attendance and posed for pictures after the tree was lit. The tree wasn't the only decoration on display. The fence in front of...

  • In the stand

    Keely Larson, Editor|Dec 12, 2024

    Standing under western larches, pine trees and Douglas-firs, the first group of University of Montana seniors began their pitch. To finish off the semester, these students - including six groups of about six - ran through their project description: how many trees were in their assigned area, their ideas for removal and retention of different tree species and their plan of action under a December blue sky just north of Placid Lake. "Our objectives for the stand are to build resilience to fire thr...

  • Holiday magic

    Keely Larson, Editor|Dec 12, 2024

    Through different forms of Christmas greenery making, Seeley Lake community members rang in the holiday season with evergreen boughs. On Dec. 1, Lu Perez, a Seeley Lake community member, gathered 14 women for what she's deciding is the first annual Christmas wreath making party. She got the idea after making a wreath herself, which she donated to an auction for Sparrow's Vine, a parenting resource center in Seeley Lake. People loved it, she said, and it gave her the idea of hosting a gathering w...

  • Planning for the future health of our Swan Valley Rural Community

    Helene Michael and Jon Simon, Swan Valley Community Council Planning Committee|Dec 12, 2024

    The Planning Committee of the Swan Valley Community Council and the Missoula County Planning Department are seeking ideas and input on the future of the Swan Valley. This input from community members will assist us in our effort to update the 1996 Neighborhood Plan and clearly communicate our vision and preferences to our county commissioners. Why are we doing this now? First, it is a requirement of Missoula County’s rural communities to update their neighborhood plan every five years, and secondly, we want to learn from the POWDR/Save H...

  • Focuses for SD 38 this legislative session

    Sen. Becky Beard|Dec 12, 2024

    Montana has weighed in with the national, state and local elections. The most important election results reflect concerns vocalized, right here, by our Montana residents. In the upcoming session, I’m looking forward to supporting the Governor’s “Path to Security and Prosperity,” promoting economic development and more good-paying jobs. Overall, we are prioritizing strengthened family success and prosperity. One of my key priorities in Senate District 38 is to support promoting student outcomes through educational options and funding transpa...

  • Huge thanks to our brilliant designer

    Keely Larson, Editor|Dec 12, 2024

    Our incredible newspaper designer, Jenny Wherley, had her last day with the Pathfinder this week. Jenny has worked in community news in Montana for over 20 years, formerly for the Kavanagh family, who owned a variety of local newspapers across the state before they retired from the business. Some of the papers Jenny worked for until recently, including a few that Ponderosa Publishing/Mullen Newspapers — the Pathfinder’s publishers — own were once Kavanagh family papers as well, like the Cut Bank Pioneer Press. The care and atten...

  • Share the light around the world

    Sherman Smith, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints|Dec 12, 2024

    In a world where darkness is ever increasing, light will always continue to shine. That light, which brings our hope and happiness, comes because of Jesus Christ, the Light of the World. Jesus Christ is the light of the world because he is the source of the light which “proceeded forth from the presence of God to fill the immensity of space.” His light is “the true light that lighteth every man that cometh into the world… His example and his teachings illuminate the path we should walk....

  • Holland Lake Lodge: A brief history

    The Upper Swan Valley Historical Society|Dec 12, 2024

    In response to an increase in the recreational use of national forests in the early 20th century, Congress passed the 1915 Term Occupancy Act, which allowed permits for private use and development of forest lands. The growing interest in outdoor recreation and conservation also triggered the popularity of dude ranching and guided pack trips in the western United States. By 1920, early-day settlers, Roria "Babe" and Eva Wilhelm, moved to Swan Valley after trading a house they owned in Butte for H...

  • Blackfoot recreation planning at the second stage

    Jean Pocha, Reporter|Dec 12, 2024

    The Blackfoot Watershed Recreation Planning Workshop held at the Ovando gym Dec. 3 drew 15 participants. This meeting presented a summary from the six community meetings held in Bonner, Potomac, Ovando, Lincoln, Helmville and Seeley Lake in November. Marley Held-Wilson, Blackfoot Challenge recreation coordinator, welcomed everyone and reminded participants of the ridgetop-to-ridgetop concept of management that the Blackfoot Challenge introduced at the community meetings in November. December's m...

  • Archives

    Pathfinder staff|Dec 12, 2024

    Thursday Dec. 9, 2004 Christmas trees and caroling The Seeley Lake Area Chamber of Commerce hosted the first annual Christmas tree lighting and caroling to kick off the Home For The Holidays season. Rod Kvamme, accompanied by Tom Monaghan, Terryl Barlett and her sister Vicky Wiebe, led community members in some festive singing around the lighted tree. The Chamber looks forward to making this an annual event, with growing participation in years to come. Read this and more at:

  • Give a kid the gift of fly tying for Christmas

    Chuck Stranahan|Dec 12, 2024

    I got my first fly tying vise when I was about nine or 10 years old. It wasn't gift-wrapped, and it wasn't Christmas. It was handed to me by my Godfather, who with my dad was one of my heroes. A few weeks before he showed me a box of flies he tied and I was fascinated. I remember the warm half-smile on Paul's face when he gave me that vise. It had been his, and had fine jaws for tying small trout flies. I was awestruck. He knew, then, what would likely unfold, but he didn't know all of it. When...

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