Sorted by date Results 1 - 25 of 39
SEELEY LAKE - The Seeley Lake Sewer District Board held a public hearing May 3 regarding applications for grants to fund the construction of Phase 2 of the collection system. Great West Engineering is preparing to submit applications for funds from the Renewable Resource Grant and Loan (RRGL) program administered by the Department of Natural Resources and Conservation and the Treasure State Endowment Project (TSEP) through Montana’s Department of Commerce. Both programs require an updated Preliminary Engineering Report (PER) and an e...
SEELEY LAKE – Seeley-Swan High School senior Adam Weisenburger added the power to the 1966 Cessna 172 Skyhawk. He'd been given clearance to taxi for his pre-check ride in Missoula for his private pilot's license. "I was sitting there and not moving. I got to half power and I got to thinking, I'm on flat level tarmac, I should be moving," said Adam. Adam asked the certifier if he had his feet on the brake. When that was not the case, he made sure there was nothing lodged in the foot pedals. "Then...
SEELEY LAKE – As soon as Seeley Lake's New Fire Chief Dave Lane arrived in Seeley Lake for his interview last February, he instantly knew he wanted to be here. While his career goal has never been about becoming a fire chief, it has always been about helping others. By serving in the chief's role, he is excited to bring his more than 30 years of experience in emergency services and information resources to Seeley Lake and looks forward to growing the safe, effective service the community r...
Governor Steve Bullock declared a statewide flooding emergency in Montana and issued an updated executive order to provide state support where needed to local and tribal jurisdictions. "Recent rainfall and rapid snowmelt is causing rivers, streams and tributaries to rise out of their banks across most of Montana," said Governor Bullock. "As Montanans deal with the impacts of flooding, the state stands ready and is in constant communication with local and tribal officials about ways we can...
Dear Superintendent of Missoula Public Schools, I am a junior at Seeley-Swan High School and I am proposing to you a very unpopular idea among my generation and my peers. Cell phones should be banned from all Missoula County Public School classrooms. This idea is even disliked and rebuked by teachers. I suggest that cell phones are more detrimental than beneficial both to students and teachers. I am not here to complain and be a tattletale. There needs to be a district wide regulation on cell...
Yesterday, as I was sitting in the alleyway of the barn watching Twist munch on his oats, listening to music, drinking a beer and taking in the first signs of spring, I thought about my Grandpa. It always hits me being in the barn, and especially this time of year, just how much I miss him after all these years. I don't know if it's the old, dust covered harness that hangs in the rafters, the pile of tack that needs to be oiled and cleaned, the smell of horses, leather, wet earth and oats, or...
This letter is in response to Larry Dunham’s editorial last week. I know both Mike Hopkins and Larry Dunham and have had several interactions and conversations with them. Over the years Mike has been a strong conservative and a stand up guy. Reading that editorial on how Larry feels he is more qualified than Mike bothered me. Larry states Mike voted for the gas tax. NOT TRUE! The voting records are all posted online. Mike voted all three times against the gas tax. So did all three Republican legislators in Missoula County. Mike even went so f...
I am writing to encourage you to vote for Cecil Schlabach for HD 92. My husband, Juan, and I had the pleasure of getting to know Cecil this spring and we were impressed by his integrity, kindness, and far-reaching capabilities. Every cell in his body is infused with a clear and honest intent to create a better world and we can’t imagine a finer candidate. What I appreciate when talking with Cecil is that he has no hidden agendas, no ulterior motives. He is sincerely a man who cares about Montana’s incredible countryside, its economic vit...
Democrats voting in the June primary are fortunate to have several talented candidates vying to run against Congressman Greg Gianforte; we need to select the one who has the best chance of winning in November. I am a firearms owner, hunter, outdoor recreationist and conservationist – and I believe Kathleen Williams is our best opportunity to defeat Gianforte. Kathleen is clearly the most qualified, experienced and capable candidate. Not only does Kathleen have a strong natural resources background and an understanding of the public land i...
MISSOULA - We are in the rare and fortunate position to choose between two highly qualified and thoughtful candidates for County Commissioner. Josh Slotnik brings a welcome new face to public life. However, Jean Curtiss’ experience is unmatched. During Jean’s 17 years of service, the population of Missoula County and its economic output increased dramatically. Moreover, Jean knows every corner of our county and many of her constituents on a first-name basis. She grew up in the Swan Valley and has always been supportive of Seeley Lake when we...
MISSOULA - Jean Curtiss is so much more to our community than a county commissioner. She cares about the unique challenges facing everyone who lives here, in town and in the rural parts of the county. Long after the lights are out at the county courthouse, Jean is out there investing her personal time and professional expertise trying to figure out complex problems. One area this is best showcased is her tireless work for economic development opportunities. For example, take the Bonner Mill Site. That could have ended up like a lot of other...
MISSOULA - I was thrilled to hear Josh Slotnick is running for County Commissioner because I’ve seen what his vision and his deep seeded abilities as a community builder can do. I’ve known Josh since I was in graduate school when he taught me how to start a seed, how to mix soil, how to engage with a stranger while weeding a row. He leads by example. He empowers students and co-workers alike to turn ideas into reality. For the last nine years we’ve been colleagues and I continue to see the change he facilitates in students, colleagues and the c...
MISSOULA - When I first came to Missoula more than a decade ago, the concept of “economic development” was met with skepticism and outright resistance. When the recession hit that sentiment started to change. More and more people started realizing that being intentional about working to grow and maintain a sustainable economy not only made sense but was of the highest priority. Since then, we’ve relied on local leadership to help grow new and existing businesses and bring in new jobs to support local families. Missoula County Commi...
MISSOULA - Count me as a proud supporter of Josh Slotnick for Missoula County Commissioner. For 20 years we have worked together improving and expanding Garden City Harvest and raising kids who have been friends since preschool. I know Josh to be incredibly principled, inquisitive, thoughtful and innovative. He seeks input and is not afraid to make difficult decisions. He is the kind of leader we need. He has shown his longtime concern on issues like affordable housing as a Homeword board member and grappled with development issues on the...
MISSOULA - Jean Curtiss has always fought for our community and we’re sounding the alarm that we need to fight for her too. Recently, we were at a Target Range candidates forum and Jean’s opponent suggested that the job of the Missoula County Commissioner is to oversee the judicial system. That’s actually the one area of county government that our commissioners do NOT oversee. We are also very concerned that it appears Josh Slotnick is taking stances on issues without even bothering to review scientific studies prepared for the county befor...
I hear that Matt Rosendale turned down a state pay raise from the state of Montana. Of course any other multi millionaires working for the state probably would have also. Nice political ploy Matt. Now you can mention this gracious move on your part in your political ads. Actually I am supporting the only non-millionaire running for the U.S. Senate. That of course would be my fellow veteran Dr. Al Oslzewski....
SEELEY LAKE - The Montana Department of Transportation (MDT) would like to notify the public and seek comments on a proposal to resurface about 1.7 miles of Montana Highway 83 through the town of Seeley Lake in Missoula County. The project begins about 0.1 miles south of Seeley Lake at reference post 13.1 and extends northerly for 1.7 miles, ending 0.1 miles north of the junction with Cedar Lane at reference post 14.8. Proposed work includes seal and cover (chip seal), fog seal, upgraded pavement markings and signing and delineation upgrades....
SEELEY LAKE - Marie Anderson, who is running for Justice of the Peace Department #1 as an incumbent against Alex Beal, will give a brief campaign speech at the next Seeley Lake Community Council meeting and answer questions from the audience. Ms. Anderson had to miss the Candidates Forum last month because of a lengthy court case. The meeting will begin with the election of officers. The Council welcomes two new members in May, Bruce Friede and Klaus von Stutterheim. The latter has served before but had to resign last year because of illness....
SWAN VALLEY - The Draft Decision Notice/Finding of No Significant Impact (Draft DN/FONSI) for the Glacier Loon and Cold Jim Fuels Reduction and Forest Health Projects are now available. The Draft DN/FONSI can be found on the web at: Hard copies are available by request or can be reviewed at the Flathead National Forest Supervisors Office, 650 Wolfpack Way, Kalispell, Mont. Glacier Loon Project The project area is located in the Swan River Valley, south and west of Condon on the...
SEELEY LAKE - Mark Sullivan will be reading from and discussing his bestselling novel, "Beneath a Scarlet Sky" at the Open Book Club this Saturday, May 12, 7 p.m. at the Grizzly Claw Trading Company. Mark is an acclaimed author of 18 novels. He has a BA in English and worked as a volunteer in Niger, West Africa. He is an avid skier and adventurer. He and his wife live in Bozeman, Montana. Although a work of fiction, this novel is based on a true story with a real hero. At the heart of the story...
SEELEY LAKE - Happy spring! The Seeley Lake Ranger District is in full swing getting ready for a LOT of good work happening this upcoming field season on your National Forest. Sharing this information is important as it may impact you as you plan your summer activities. The majority of the work that we are proceeding with for the upcoming field season is directly related to the fire season of 2017 and the winter snow accumulation. Spring was slow in coming to the Clearwater and Blackfoot watersheds this year and in combination with the...
OVANDO - Wildlife officials captured a young male grizzly bear incidentally on April 25 in the Ovando-Helmville Valley and later relocated it to Glacier National Park. The bear was captured in a trap that was set in response to a livestock depredation on cattle that occurred earlier in the week. The four-year old male grizzly was not involved the in depredation but because of its proximity to cattle during the calving season, in an area with a recent grizzly-caused livestock injury, the bear was relocated. Deep snow conditions in the...
SEELEY LAKE - The Seeley Lake Community Council hosted two candidate forums, April 9 and 11, covering eight races with 31 candidates in attendance. All candidates on the May 8 Special District Mail-in ballot and June 5 primary were invited. Ballots for the May 8 election were mailed April 18. Prior to the June 5 primary, the Pathfinder will feature each race from the Candidate Forum. This week the Pathfinder features the candidates for Missoula County Commissioner. Previous coverage of the...
SEELEY LAKE – As the current chair of the Montana’s State Workforce Innovation Board (SWIB), Seeley Lake resident Loren Rose is taking a new approach to help the group set goals, new benchmarks and make these things measurable. In addition to the re-focus, the SWIB has gained national attention and will be a focal point for the National Governors Association meeting in July. The Montana Department of Labor & Industry receives approximately $5.8 million from the federal government to implement Workforce Innovation and Opportunities (WIOA) pro...
SEELEY LAKE - Luke Landsberger, a long time logger, a part time bum and full time friend passed away at home in Seeley Lake, April 30. After a yearlong fight with cancer, which he never gave up, it was time to go home to Heaven. Luke was born June 1, 1958 in Bismarck, N.D., the last of seven kids, to Florian and Ann Landsberger. Luke had two children Casie and Justin and three grandchildren Kilynn, Addison and Corbin. Survivors include: daughter Casie (Ben) Landsberger; son Justin (Ciara) Landsberger and their three children; brothers Larry... Full story