Articles written by Colleen Krause

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 16 of 16

  • Seek alternatives to treat waste water

    Colleen Krause, Seeley Lake, Montana|Feb 11, 2021

    SEELEY LAKE - If you believe that the whole sewer project was handled poorly and that there are other ways to improve waste water treatment, this is a way to get rid of the sewer by VOTING NO on the upcoming Seeley Lake Sewer Bonds Election, on Feb. 23. Voting against the sewer does not mean you support pollution. There are alternatives to sewers that are state authorized. Colleen Krause, Homeowner...

  • The financial burden if sewer bond passes

    Colleen Krause, Seeley Lake, Montana|Jan 28, 2021

    SEELEY LAKE - As you may know, I am OPPOSED to the General Obligation Bond for the Seeley Lake Sewer project that we will be voting on in February. Phase I voters will be voting on a Revenue Bond and the General Obligation Bond and both have to pass to get funded. If the Bond were to pass there will be funding available for the sewer and collection system for Phase I. Phase I people will find the following components charged to them every year: the debt for the General Obligation Bond, the debt for the Revenue Bond, Operation and Maintenance...

  • Consider the costs before voting for 40 years of debt

    Colleen Krause, Seeley Lake, Montana|Jan 14, 2021

    To quote board publications, “The Seeley Lake Missoula Country Sewer District Board of Directors adopted Resolution #11192020, calling for a bond election on Feb. 23, 2021, by mail ballot asking the qualified electors in the District to approve a General Obligation Bond to finance a portion of the costs of the treatment plant and associated infrastructure and a Revenue Bond to finance a portion of the cost of the Phase 1 collection system. These bonds will replace the Assessment Bond methodology authorized through the Notice and Protest p...

  • Get involved and let Democracy prevail

    Colleen Krause, Seeley Lake, Montana|Dec 31, 2020

    LOCAL SEELEY LAKE BUSINESSMEN ARE SUING THE SEELEY LAKE SEWER DISTRICT!! As you may already know from the Pathfinder this past week, several of your local businessmen are suing the Seeley Lake Sewer District. Their names and John Does are in last week’s Pathfinder. They are seeking TO FORCE THE DISTRICT TO CONSTRUCT THE PROPOSED SEWER SYSTEM. It is my opinion that they are doing this to benefit themselves, as I know they all own several lots in the sewer district that they probably want to develop. It is also my strong opinion that they d...

  • Sewer Board not interested in serving community

    Colleen Krause, Seeley Lake Summer Resident|Aug 22, 2019

    SEELEY LAKE - The sewer board’s attorney comes across as being overly aggressive and occasionally patronizing and seems to take an awful lot of liberties and “willful interpretations.” Such behavior distorts the law and results in minimizing the rights of the public to have their will respected. The board then feels confident to go its merry way in carrying out anything they want to, including overriding public sentiment. I presented a petition signed by 182 Seeley Lake constituents, who are in Phases 1-4, opposing the mandate to hook up to the...

  • Board needs to explore alternatives

    Colleen Krause, Seeley Lake Summer Resident|Jun 27, 2019

    SEELEY LAKE - After the June 20 Sewer Board meeting, it was clear that there are innumerable loose ends and many unanswered questions to be addressed before any user agreement reaches the property owners in Phase 1. At one point, I made the comment that we would need many more property owner participants in the district to be able to pay for the proposed sewer system. Costs have always been too high and continue to increase. They are high enough to price many people right out of their homes. That idea seems to go right over the heads of most...

  • Heads up Sewer District Phase 1 property owners

    Colleen Krause - Summer resident, Seeley Lake, Mont.|Jun 6, 2019

    SEELEY LAKE - The “information” packet mailed to you by the sewer board was not particularly vetted. While the cover letter did have the term “Draft User Agreement” in it a number of times, the text did not make it clear that you should not sign the draft and send it back. They also failed to put the word “DRAFT” in large letters diagonally across the draft. This is just a draft and you SHOULD NOT sign it and send it back in. BEFORE any final User’s Agreement can go out to you, the Phase 1 people, you have a RIGHT to have input in the formation...

  • To hook to the sewer or not

    Colleen Krause, Seeley Lake, Mont. - 72-year summer resident|Mar 21, 2019

    SEELEY LAKE - If you have been unable to attend a sewer meeting since November 2018, you will never know what has gone on if you read the notes taken at the meetings. They do not give you any detailed information. I know the past president made sure the minutes were detailed for the public to read and be informed. I recently spoke with the sewer’s lawyer asking him about information on the Users’ Agreement. He said he couldn’t share with me, as it was a confidential matter. He said he edited the agreement and sent it back to the board, assum...

  • Reasons for Some New Blood on the Sewer Board

    Colleen Krause, Seeley Lake, Mont.|Apr 26, 2018

    SEELEY LAKE - Seeley Lake is very fortunate to have three new people who are interested in running for the Sewer Board. They are Beth Hutchinson, Troy Spence and Juli Cole. The top priority for these three candidates is not to immediately reject the sewer. Their key focus will be on reevaluating all wastewater treatment options and greatly improving communications with the district. There are several issues that they will address if elected to the board. One of their main concerns is that many of the constituents in Phase I will be forced into...

  • Small Group Questions Truth 

    Colleen Krause, Seeley Lake, Mont.|Dec 7, 2017

    SEELEY LAKE - Do the Seeley Lake Sewer ads speak the truth? Of course they don’t! For those of you still making a decision on whether to oppose the sewer, don’t let the Seeley Lake Sewer Board and its various agents confuse you with lies. They (recent ads in the Pathfinder) claim that a small group of area residents have been spreading misinformation regarding the scientific studies that support the sewer system, the districts work and how the project will impact you. Here’s what this SMALL GROUP has done for this community: • It’s members h...

  • Beware of Sewer Equality

    Colleen Krause, Seeley Lake, Mont.|Nov 2, 2017

    SEELEY LAKE - At the Seeley Lake Sewer Board meeting Oct. 19, Greg Robertson announced that he was changing the assessment methodology to using equal assessments for residences and businesses. The Pathfinder article also said that this would level the playing field for the notice and protest and ALL lots in each phase would have EQUAL WEIGHT to their protest instead of commercial lots having a greater say. Besides that, the board and general manager completely missed the point of what the complaining about their original plan for charges was....

  • Claims of Nitrate/Chloride Pollution in Seeley Lake are Highly Exaggerated

    Colleen Krause, Seeley Lake, Mont.|Oct 12, 2017

    SEELEY LAKE - Many of my friends and neighbors along Boy Scout Road and C Street are under the impression that the lake is severely polluted. They have all written letters regarding this theory. I took the time this summer to go to the Seeley Lake Water District and printed out all the information about all the water testing that has been done regarding the sewer. The tests for nitrates in the lake, which the Board paid for, are very low. The average being .06 mg/l. A full 10 represents the standard for issues with drinking water. The...

  • Residences Will Pay Commercial Debt Service Rate Under Proposed Sewer Plan

    Colleen Krause, Seeley Lake, Mont. - Summer resident of 70 years|Sep 21, 2017

    SEELEY LAKE - In the Aug. 30 Pathfinder, the article written about the public sewer meeting brought up a plan by [District Manager] Greg Robertson which should make anyone involved with the sewer outraged. Here is some of what the Pathfinder article said that you should sit up and listen. The Pathfinder said on page 11, “For the debt service across the entire district Greg Robertson used the Seeley Lake Regional Plan’s land use designations. Because of this difference there will be a SIGNIFICANT NUMBER of properties that are currently pay...

  • Let's Get Our Sewer Information Correct

    Colleen Krause, Seeley Lake, Mont. - Summer resident of 70 years|Jul 13, 2017

    SEELEY LAKE - The Seeley Lake Sewer Board distributed a flyer from Lindey’s parking lot during the Fourth of July parade which contained some error in fact and some unsubstantiated assumptions. The Board must work harder to give us accurate information so we sewer district residents can make an intelligent decision. 1. The flyer states a sewer would reduce the cost of housing when in fact it would INCREASE substantially the cost of housing. How can the cost of housing decrease when expenses are increasing? Residents can expect monthly bills wel...

  • A Few Questions Regarding the Proposed Sewer

    Colleen Krause, Seeley Lake Cabin Owner|Jun 8, 2017

    SEELEY LAKE - As most of you may know, the Seeley Lake Sewer Project was legally voted down in December. Why and who said this vote did not stand? However, at the present time, the Seeley Sewer District is still trying to shove this project down our throats. I also want to make it clear that no one in the December election voted more than once on the sewer project, as stated sometime this year in the Pathfinder. I personally talked to the election board in Missoula and they said they went through every ballot to make sure no one voted twice....

  • Sewer Project - Conduct a Fair Vote and Fix the Lake

    Colleen Krause, Seeley Lake, Mont.|Oct 13, 2016

    SEELEY LAKE - Upon reading the current letter sent out by the elections office in Missoula, regarding the Seeley Lake sewer vote, I read the sentence “Upon review of Montana Code Annotated, it has been determined that “trust” or “corporations” are not eligible to vote in elections.” I am one of those affected because my lake property is in a trust. Out of the 510 people involved in the sewer project, there are probably several of us who have our properties under a trust or corporation. I looked back on my tax statements and found that I have...